Geesh, somehow I don't find your feedback very helpful or particularly friendly. I was really trying to be funny and make light of myself. Isn't this site supposed to informative and fror entertainment. But some people just take themselves too seriously? BTW, the sales manager, my ride along, encouraged me to test its acceleration. After all, it was a freeking test drive. Oh and yes, I will always drive it my Prius uphill, never down. I just got a good head start as it happens that the route back home required going up a long steady grade for almost the entire 40 miles. I don't know why I wasting my time responding, as you probably don't have time to read this message as well.
Maybe PC needs a new club - the I don't need no stinking MPGs club! Hmmm, kind of long, may have to work on the name a bit....
In my experience I disagree with you ... in my experience the (basically) coasting all the way down the other side MORE than makes up for the lack of fuel economy on the way up. I do note that this is considering that you go up at exactly the same rate as you'll go down, but I like I said the experience of basically using NO gas all the way down the mountain (infinity mpg practically) makes up for the fuel economy hit on the way up.