TDI car can go past half a million mile on its engine, I know a friend of mine that has 450K miles, diesel engine will outlast a gas engine, so let's be real here, and if you look a their torque all across the band, the TDI car is fun to drive, so TDI car as a matter fact has a great engines. you guys need to get more info about diesel now a days, these are not the diesel from the 80's.
That is fine but then you also need to accept that modern diesel's aren't the same diesels from the 80's. Modern diesels use aluminum blocks, with much higher pressures, and rev limits. They have complicated injection and emission control systems. Your reliability data from the past no longer applies. I have both a TDI and a Prius. The TDI is more fun to drive but it has little to do with the engine. Instead the TDI has a better chassis and better brakes.
Where did you get that your TDI car has an aluminum block? I thought that TDI engines brought cast iron blocks. These TDI engines are way better built than the one from the 80's which were clumpsy and a lot of diesel clatter, now diesel are a lot quieter and faster and with the new technology, if you guys have not driven a TDI, go and test drive one, you will see the difference between the hybrid and a TDI, not only being more comfortable when you drive, but safety, reliable, and they are torque monster which makes a TDI car fun to drive, and on top they make better MPG's on the HWY than the Prius, I am not dissing the Prius but these are facts, the Prius will win on MPG's if you drive it within the city.
The TDI is more reliable? A TQ monster makes the TDI more fun to drive? Who is the one deciding what constitutes fun? How much TQ does the Prius have? The TDI gets better fuel mileage on the freeway than the Prius does? I beg to differ. The better milage is going to be dictated by the driver, not the car in this case. You harbor too many opinions and not enough facts.
Come again? 2010 Prius gets 48 MPG on the highway. It is more aerodynamic than any Diesel car in production. Basically, Prius owns a comparable TDI MPG in the City and on the highway.
TDI has bell-shape torque curve with the need to shift gear. That makes the power delivery unrefined with "sling-shot" effect. I would not call it fun because of that. How safe it TDI? Show me crash test rating or something.
Oh gosh, I don't think you want to go there Quick check on : It would be dangerus in my Prius apparently. Now I'm afraid to drive it, if a big car like a VW Golf T-boned me I'd be toast and they'd be fine Hope the 2010 model is safe.
Any particular reason you use the first generation (two generations behind) Prius? Check 2004 model with optional side airbag. 2010 model comes with 7 airbags standard.
You guys are in a complete denial, I have both cars and I can attest about the TDI being better than the Prius, in the city the Prius makes a little better mileage than the TDI, but in the HWY the prius will lose, now if you calculate cent per miles, Rug being between 25-35 cent higher now than diesel, you will even lose more $ if you would like do the calculation, Please do not just post becuase you have a Prius, try driving a TDI then post, you will be amazed how good a TDI car drives in comparisson than the Prius way better handling and all.
Please guys do not get offended by the truth, the Vroom and the vohhhss, it's true the TDI sound is like a real car.
For you please watch and tell me what you think about this video then please do not come up with cover ups for the Prius. [ame=]YouTube - Jetta TDI vs Hybrid, 1 tank to San Francisco Challenge[/ame][ame=""][/ame]
And for you please watch this and tell me what do you think about this test, maybe now you guys could start to understand what I am talking about, and let get real with this topic.
My 2003 1.9L TDI has a cast iron block however the 1.9L TDI in my 2003 Jetta is not much different than when it was first introduced to the European market in 1993. Most of the new diesel engines have aluminum blocks: Mercedes V6 CDI's VW 3 cylinders VW V10 tourag BMW's new 3.0L twin turbo I6 BMW's I4 engines Detroit Diesel's new 471T commercial engine Wow that is one long sentence! Yes, modern diesel engines are much smoother, quieter, and more refined than diesels from the 80's. I've had the pleasure of visiting Europe often and have sampled quite a few diesel cars from VW, Mercedes, and BMW. From the driver's seat it isn't readily apparent that one is driving a diesel vehicle. The TDI is a nice car. I like mine and I've liked the 06 and 09 TDI's that I've driven. However: A TDI will not get better mileage than a Prius no matter what the condition. (I've driven both noise to tail) A TDI will also cost more to maintain than a Prius just due to the timing belt changes. A TDI has higher emissions than a Prius both CO2 and Smog forming
I've seen both of your videos and read the reports for the first one. Look at the actual high MPG stats on the cars and then look at who the drivers were. I've made the same trip from Vancouver B.C. to Faifield, CA. and was at 50mpg and I didn't even atempt to hypermile it. I've made the trip numerous times. Have you driven the same trip in an '09 TDI? What was your mpg? As for the second video, it proves nothing. The TDI is faster in the 1/4mile than the Prius? WOW! If I actually cared about the 1/4mile capability of my new car I would have just kept my truck which was MUCH faster. Face it bud, you're bringing up the same tired arguements that every VW lover keeps bringing to this forum. You just don't understand what makes people enjoy the Prius so much. I'm still trying to figure out what your username is on the TDI forums. Your forum style seems familiar and we know you don't own a 2002 Prius IV with the solor option. lol SO I'll see your highway BS and raise you a trip from Fairfield to LA: And a trip on hwy 65/70 to the Feather river for some salmon fishing
Pfft, VW diesels sound puny compared to a good ol' Cummins B5.9/ISB in a Dodge Ram 2500 or the 7.3L Ford/Navistar Powerstroke in a F250/F350. If you want to hear a real diesel, the older Mercedes oil burner or a CAT/Detroit Diesel/Cummins in a bus or big rig does nicely. The TDIs sound like a more mute GM/Isuzu Duramax which is a joke in the diesel pickup market or a Honda with loose valves.
Jeeez .... some people take themselves just a little too seriously ... I personally think the VW ads are quite funny.
Is this the same GreenHumanJohn from the P2P tour, who posted a load of proven **** here afterwards? Why is the TDI mpg listed to tenths, while the Prius mpg is truncated to an integer? And how in the **** was that Prius sandbagged to get such poor mpg? No hypermiler or Prius fan would be caught dead with such ****y performance. And why did they run a Prius against the TDI, when the Civic Hybrid is known to beat both of them?
Facts and data a troubling thing: Claims of Jetta mileage vs Prius are old business: I remain surprised that our VW friends continue to advertise 'noise' as a feature, something desirable. Then the burn-out video showing how to convert tire rubber into a large cloud of tire smoke and smaller tires. But the most amazing thing of all is to think pitching the smaller, less fuel efficient, and noisy vehicle compared to the Prius is effective. About two weeks ago, the NHW20 became a 'clearance sale' model and the NHW11 is now six years out of production. So now the new Jetta TDI is compared to the soon to be used NHW20s and NHW11s, which makes for even a harder sell. One thing I admire about VW is their web site has begun to collect user mileage data. IMHO, our friends in Toyota have only dabbled in recording user data about how our vehicles perform with just service records. At a minimum, I would like to see user submitted mileage plotted by: MPG vs MPH (each model and engine size) total mileage (each model by engine size) To do it right, the air temperature and altitude needs to be recorded and an 'adjustment' based upon air density applied. This would let 'user reported' mileage data be collected and shared without making any claims that Toyota would have to defend. Just make a shared area that allows users to track how they are doing and see how our vehicles are performing. Bob Wilson