Hi everybody, I have been a huge fan of the Prius (technological marvel) for a long time. Our first child was born this past April, and we now need a car that both my wife and I can drive (current car is a 6sp manual). Before you guys start advising me to put on my tin foil cap and turn on my flux capacitor, remember that there is just insufficient data up to this point regarding the effect of EMF. We just want to err on the side of safety. Is there any data (EMF measurements) of the 2010 Prius yet? Any information from Toyota? I had no luck with google searches.... Anyone else concerned? Thanks so much in advance!
2010 Prius's battery pack is basically the same as the Iconic model which has been measured to emit less EMF than a TV.
I'm not worried. I took the New York City subway for 10 years, every day, and hour each way, to and from work. And their electrical systems and traction motors are 600 volts, compared to 201 volts in the Prius. Same for you while you are taking the T up there in B-aasten. You probably get more exposure to EMF in your own house, seeing how the 110VAC house wiring is everywhere.
EMF is easily absorbed by metal surrounding the source. I believe Toyota has done a great job shielding it (battery, motor, converter, etc) I won't worry about EMF. It has been tested that, in a typical household, the worst generator of dangerous EMF is .... .... your hair dryer .... so close to your head and yet unshielded AT ALL. EMF decades with distance ^ 2. (square)
You asked for it: put on your tinfoil cap. I assume you have disconnected the electrical service to your house, and given away your cell phones. You might consider a portable Faraday cage. Tom
Good points! However, my baby doesn't spend any time using the hair blower, on cell phone, etc... A vehicle is a small confined space that where it's hard to get a way from the sources of EMF. I'm a data driven - just because the data inconclusive or insufficient doesn't mean there is or isn't a problem. Remember that asbestos was a perfectly fine building material at one point too. I'm curious if Toyota made any improvements in the shielding. I'm sure someone will perform measurements as well at some point.
Can't ever be too careful. I always put my kid in a special lead-lined crib before I use the microwave. You can buy them here.
if you are concerned about emf , I hope you live by candle light and soo far off the grid because how power gets into you home emits a far stronger emf field, not to mention that portable emf field everyone takes with them called a cellphone, let alone tv's computers, microwaves. I would be far more concerned with all the other sources of EMF's that I am exposed to 24/7 than something that I will be exposed to for a couple hours a day at most. From what I've studied EMF need to be so large (to do any sort of affect) that you will know once all of your metal objects become polarized
I hope you and your baby don't live on earth, because I have a sneaking suspision that the planet earth emits one hell of a powerful EMF, so powerful is can reflect some solar radiation. oh and don't forget about the swine flu!
You answer your own question in posing your question. "There is just insufficient data up to this point regarding the effect of EMF." That's true. So what do you do? Even if someone has, or someone does, and someone will, take a reading of the EMF's in and around the 2010 Prius how will that help you? The data is so vague and inconclusive that the information won't really help you. My guess would be the EMF's would be no worse than in a generation two. You say you've been a fan for a long time. Now you have a child. You are just going to hear a lot of people saying it's safe and harmless and always a few people saying we can't know and it may be dangerous. You just have to personally decide if that's a deal breaker for you. My speculation is that if pre-purchase you are this concerned, that the worry would always haunt you, valid or not. If this is going to be the case you might have to abandon The Prius, because if you want a silver bullet of conclusion in regards to EMF's you won't find it. I fall in the camp that squarely thinks the EMF's of a Prius or any Hybrid are not an issue of concern. It is true we are exposed to EMF fields all the time in many other day to day applications. But concern is a personal issue. Eventually you can uncover all the evidence you want saying it's safe, or all the evidence you want saying you should be worried. In the end you just need to see if you want the Prius or if, again, as you say, you'd rather error on the side of safety. Keep in mind all machines come with operation and useage risks. You could buy a standard ICE car and then later have it revealed that it has a safety issue. That's life around machines and technology. Good Luck with your decision. Stay True to your feelings.
Your baby doesn't need to use electrical devices to be exposed to EMF. Your entire house is a hotbed of EMF, as is every other building. The EMF levels in the Prius are lower than those found in a normal house. The metal body of the Prius shields the occupants from some external EMF, while the internal sources are shielded. This is much like radiation levels on submarines. In general, submariners are exposed to less radiation than those of us living on the surface. They may have a reactor in close proximity, but it is shielded. The water around the sub shields them from normal ambient sources of radiation, so the net exposure is lower than that on the surface. This whole issue is a tempest in a teapot. Tom
The Electric Me: I appreciate your thoughtful response! I will stay true to my feelings. To the majority of the rest: I posted to see if there have been any measurements performed on the 2010s, and of course, the tin foil hat people come out and respond. I did not ask for your personal opinion and to be ridiculed. Your answers are illogical. I was and am only looking for data.
Can you even give one human system that would be effected by an EMF? This is the typical alarmist nonsense that has taken over the media. I guess you need schooling. if readings were done what would be the threshold? What do you consider an acute or chronic threshold(time x dosage x exposure)? I bet whatever you "data" you come up with is far smaller than taking your computer and extrapolating "data" from that. Your cell phone will exceed either of those numbers by atleast 10 fold. Most of the "rest" of the people here that you call tinfoil hatters are telling you to step back and take a look at the grand scheme of things. The concern of the prius EMF is not totally ridiculous but is more than narrow sighted. OH and EMF exposure is no accumulative like other types of radiation so there is no build up to a chronic "status". Take it from someone that knows :welcome:
As a rule of thumb, be concerned about those objects that generate EMF that are unshielded and being used for a longer period of time close to your vital organs (such as head). - blow dryer - cell phone - cordless phone (5G or 6G Hz - longer distance more powerful - stronger EMF) (There was actress in Hong Kong who died from a brain tumour on the side of head that she held the cordless phone to. She knew cell phone was bad, so, instead, she used cordless thinking that it should be much safer. She called her friends daily and chit-chatted for several hours. She died in her 20s. Coincident? Well, take it for what it is worth.) Other than those, rest easy.
Getting back to measurements, EMF was measured inside the Gen II Prius and found to be lower than outside the vehicle. I would assume the Gen III is the same, but I don't know of any actual testing. When you look at the physics, it's not hard to understand. For electric motors to be efficient, you need to keep the magnetic fields inside of the motor. As for the high voltage wiring, the power wires are paired, which reduces radiated fields (the fields cancel). The wiring is also run through metal enclosures which act as Faraday screens. Tom
Hi TB, Have you thought about possibly taking your own readings? I did a quick internet check and found a gaussmeter from Edmond's Scientific for about $40. A test drive at your local dealer could give you some numbers to work with. Good luck getting your data. PC