I hope you'll forgive this OT posting. We're trying to get a more active area Prius Meetup Group. We expect about 10 Prius owners and SOs. Please follow the link below for more complete information. I believe we have about 10 Prius owners & SOs scheduled. The meetup is located at "The Londoner" restaurant/bar in North Central Dallas (14930 Midway Rd - Dallas - 2 blks South of Belt Line Rd). http://prius.meetup.com/43/events/4193726/
It was great to meet everyone at the recent get together. Here is a shot of the group and we had all the colors there except white, and blue I think...See you all next time! Tony.
Hi All, Well, I am just about ready to head off to my very first Prius Meet & Greet here in LA/OC and I am very excited! Your picture of the Dallas/Plano parking lot Meet and Greet is inspiring. I feel like I am getting a glimpse at the future. I will post pictures from ours as soon as I get home. Glad things went well for you folks. Have a terrific day! Tisza
I wish that I could have been there. I would've been able to add a (dirty) white classic to your list. :mrgreen:
Widdletink - Have fun with your get together! Wolfman - hope to see you at the next gathering...it will be nice to add your White (dirty or not) to our group.
Next time send me a PM... and I'll try to drive over. It's only 5 hours from here if it's a weekend event.
Howdy technogurl..!! Thanks for your interest and possibility of driving so far. Our next meeting will definitely be on a Saturday at 1:00 PM. I believe our Organizer is planning a different restaurant and the date hasn't been announced yet. This link takes to the Dallas-Plano Meetup Group site where you'll find more photos of the February meeting. http://prius.meetup.com/43/events/4193726/
Join us Thursday, June 11th from 6:30 - 8:30pm at: Toyota of Dallas 2610 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75234 Located at 635 and Forest Ln Be the first to see the all-new 2010 Toyota Prius and enjoy: Free giveaways including: MP3 players, iTunes gift cards, and tickets! The first 50 guests get a complimentary detail of their Prius Hors d'oeuvres and special beverages from Kozy Kitchen Toyota Hybrid Specialist on-site to demo the new features & benefits of the new Prius Plus energy savings ideas and tips from Current Energy Please RSVP: 1-866-265-6164 if you would like to attend. We hope to see you there!