This is my first hatchback car in quite a while (since my '89 Porsche 944) and the hatch opens quite a bit higher than a conventional trunk. So much so that it hits the garage door when it's in the opened position. Fortunately it didn't do any damage, but I need to install a rubber bumper for the times when we'll inevitably forget to hold the hatch so it opens slowly and doesn't slam into the garage door.
Oh yeah, I remember someone else (I forget who) posted saying the same thing... They said that it open higher than the 2G as well. They were backing in their garage I think and luckily it didn't hit anything but they said it was in fact taller than even the last gen...
The height opening should be identical to G2, but the longer rear spoiler does make for a total higher height. Doug Coleman Prius Product Manager Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Thanks. Yes, this is a warning that's worth repeating often. Side Story: Sharp-eyed mrv (Michelle from the Yahoo Prius forums) noticed this way back in January at the Prius Connection Detroit event, and was seen at the Prius Connection New York City event measuring how high the hatch opened to.
I noticed that as well during a test drive. I'm always bumping my head when the hatch is opened on my Lexus RX. I'm 6'1" and I need to bend a bit or bump. There is plenty of room to spare for under the Prius hatch however. It's the old good news-bad news however. Perhaps one of the Prius gurus here will devise something to limit the lift somehow.
Hmmm. Before your post I was willing to swear that the bottom edge of the hatch (the area someone would grab to pull the hatch door down), and not just the spoiler, opened noticeably higher than the Gen II's.
I'm remembering some ultra-low-tech solution where someone tied a rope near the opening piston to limit how high the hatch could open. Can't seem to find the post right now. EDIT: Ah! I found it! It's on Darell's pages where he's talking about roof racks: (about halfway down on the page):
I have two nicks in the paint on my spoiler from this. I should pay more attention. lol In addition to the hatch opening very high, never close the hatch by pressing on the spoiler. I think mine has a tiny crack in the mounting area because of this. The vast majority of people tend to close their trunks this way and on the Prius, at least the Gen II, the spoiler is delicate and can easily crack if you apply too much pressure in the wrong spot. I tend to close it by pressing on the license plate area.
What bites me is how I position in the garage. If I'm too close to the door, reaching in and opening the hatch will sometimes bump the spoiler on one of the sections of the roll-up type garage door. Fortunately my garage was built with SUV's in mind - no hatch clearance issues w/ a 9'+ ceiling.
Word to the wise - Darrell better patent this or the U.S. Ports will copy and offer this as a $199 option. Dealers, $239
While we're on the subject of closing the rear hatch, the best $16 I've ever spent on my Prius was spent on a black, L shaped hatch handle that you attach to the bottom two screw holes of your rear license plate: These hatch handles are made for or offered by Saab, Volvo, Mercedes, et al, for their wagons and hatchbacks, but they're all the same and would work on your Prius. They come in different finishes. You'll need to add your own screws and nuts and protective bumpers because the Prius doesn't come with the rear license plate bottom holes drilled into the hatch. I bought mine from Ultimate Cupholders: SAAB Trunk Handle for BMW - Ultimate Cupholders - Cup holders for 5 Series and 7 Series BMW, Z4, Porsche Boxster / Porsche 911 996, Mercedes, Audi, Acura NSX and other fine cars. The ultimate cup holder / cupholder!
Since our hatch - when open - will hit the garage door- I used the extra piece of Hot water heater thermo blanket and stapled it to the garage door braces( I have a wooden one piece garage door- old but it works) to protect the hatch. Cheap.
I used plastic screws and nuts that I had lying around the tool box (actually, I think they came with that plastic license plate frame in the picture). I threaded a screw through each bottom plate hole and a nut in the back. Then I cut the excess screw tip with a knife so that it was flush with the nut. Then I smoothed the cut screw tip with a file. Finally I put some cushioning on the screw tip/nuts so they wouldn't damage the surface of the hatch (this really isn't that necessary as any surface damage wouldn't be visible anyway). Depending on your plate holder, if any, you might have to do a little more (it's hard to explain).
Can't the dealer adjust the shocks to only open a certain height ? I know that the electronic power lifts on most cars can be height adjusted for smaller people to reach the button and handle easier.
You'd need different part numbers to accomplish the shorter reach. The hack string idea is pretty effective though.
This is a problem. That's way too delicate and flimsy. You can't always rely on everyone handling it with great care. A car wash worker may crack the spoiler when shutting the hatch after cleaning the inside of the hatch window.