No date is solid at this point! I think we've had about 10 misfires. What was it - April 21st that the US announced pricing? June 16 or 18th is fine with me. Just please get my car here as early as everyone elses! Oh and please use the 92cent dollar to set pricing! Oddly, although I did test drive an Insight, I have not seen a single one on the road yet and they've been for sale since April 22nd. Have you guys seen any in your cities?
Welll.. I guess that's why they said "summer 2009" so that they won't have to commit to a date. I haven't seen any Insights on the road yet, just the one I test drove and a black one in the dealership It's speculated to reach parity again by year's end.
In Toronto they are available at most dealers below MSRP, looks like there is not a great demand for them. The same may happen with the prius...
My Canadian friend was recently over from Toronto and she dissed the Prius because of its ability to deal with Canadian winters. She has a Yaris and was a little shocked to realise that the Prius and Yaris have the same ground clearance (which I know is important in the snow). How did the Prius manage to get this reputation in Canada? Is it the standard LRR tires being really bad in the snow and ice?
That's funny. Someone with a Yaris dissing a Prius for it's winter abilities. Now I can see someone with an SUV, AWD or something... but a Yaris would handle the same if not worse (700lbs lighter) than a Prius would. Snow tires are definitely recommended, but they are for nearly any non-AWD car. Most Prius drivers report no problems in winter so I am not sure why the story keeps being told.
That's hilarious. What makes her think a lighter Yaris with skinnier tyres (depending on year) would fair better? The Prius with the same width tyre would be better because of the extra weight for grip (combined with the relatively narrow tyres). Maybe you should ask your friend to go to Winnipeg. They have Prius cabs there. I'm sure she'll be pleasantly surprised.
May be she was talking about cold weather rather than snow ? I know that there are some urban legends saying that hybrid cars do not respond well in cold temperature. It is true that hybrid cars are less efficient during winter because of the heating but the Prius has been tested by Toyota in their testing facilities in Timmins, Ontario.
ALL cars are less efficient in the winter time. It's not some magic that only hybrids and diesel are affected by cold weather and other cars aren't. People only notice it on hybrids because they actually track their mileage. If they tracked their old car's mileage during the winter, they'll be pleasantly surprised. Your once fuel efficient Yaris is now "guzzling" like a 2.0 litre car.
Once again, dear Tideland, you're right about the fact that all cars are less efficient during summer but I think that this difference appears to be bigger with hybrid because of their exceptional efficiency during summer. I invite you to listen this report. It's in french but I think you understand it. (I know you write it very well though !)
Perhaps, yes because now their engines are running more often to heat the cabin (As demostrated in the video). An engine block heater will go a long way in helping the engine warm up faster and hopefully (if you're not asking for too much heat), shut down earlier too. I was able to catch a good chunk of the video (my french isn't that fluent yet). 7.7L/100km isn't too bad (that's till better than a Corolla in the summer!) but I didn't catch if they mentioned anything about a regular Camry's mileage in the winter. In the milder west coast, my average goes up to 5ish in the winter (so about 1L/100km more at the worse) and that falls in line with our old 02 Camry 4 cylinder which gets closer to 11L/100km in the winter. Pulse and coast in the summer and I got 8.3L/100km over a short trip according to the Trip Computer (I think the final tally for that tank was closer to 9.2L/100km). It's rated at 10.2/6.7 for 2002. Before owning the Prius, our average stayed closer to 10.8L/100km. So at least on the milder west coast, the differences are similar. It might be different where it drops to -20°C
The guy that was interviewed said that he expected during winter may be 1 liter more per 100km or 2 at worst but his consumption reached 10 - 11 l/100 km which is comparable, according to him, to a regular 4 cylinders Camry. The reporter mentionned that all the "experts" confirmed that hybrid car's mileage are equivalent to conventional cars of the same size during winter time !!!! The unhappy Camry owner added that as soon as the temperature reachs less than -5, the fuel engine is continuously "on". The reporter continu saying that hybrid vehicules in "La Belle Province" are not popular. To prove his argument he mentionned that "56 Prius have been sold in the province of Quebec in December 2007 but only 12 in December 2008. Things seems even to worsen in 2009. Out of 100 cars sold by an important dealer of Montreal, none were hybrid". (I think it is important to mention that the reporter was at a Ford dealer when he told this). But I don't care, for now, we still have 6 months of hot weather here and since people continu to buy SUVs, the global warming will do the rest ! Buy the way, I watched the wonderfull movie "Home" yesterday night and I recommend it to everyone. Very moving images and I have to say that I was shocked and ashamed by the images taken from Canada (Oil sand of Alberta).
Ahh well... it's Quebec =P. Your taxis will gain more mileage if they stopped tailgating. I thought AB was bad but when I was Montréal, they were tailing at an even closer distance! I guess people expect a magic solution. That somehow, it'll give them what was promised without them changing anything. Well if you a sports car to do 0-60mph in 5 seconds, you gotta change your acceleration habit and punch the throttle. If you want your hybrid to get 50mpg, you gotta change your driving habit and be conscious of everything you do. I think the silver lining in all this supposedly "bad" press is that it really shows how wasteful people can be. Before I got into the Prius, i'd have no problems turning on the heated seats in the Camry and the heater up to 23°C (remember, mild west coast) and start the car with no block heater. Now I watch the amount of heat I use and minimise the heat when the engine's warming up so that it can warm up faster. Well there's no heated seats in my 05 so that's a moot point and I'll get an EBH installed (elec. will be cheaper than the same amt. of fuel to pre-heat the car). I guess all the people in Vancouver and Victoria must be idiots cause we're buying hybrids like there's no tomorrow! There are lots of Prius and Camry Hybrids (both privately owned and taxi) in those two cities. Winnipeg has a good chunk of Prius cabs too (I was surprised cause I thought they were still testing and stuff). Too bad Edmonton's behind (there's only 1 Camry Hybrid taxi). Toronto has Tauruses. I didn't see very many hybrid cabs but there are Prius and Camry Hybrid cabs in the GTA region.
A regular 4 cylinder Camry has an incredibly bad fuel economy during the same winter conditions. There's nothing like equipping a regular four cylinder with a scangauge and have the truth tell the sobering story. 14-17 L/100km is what a 4 cylinder Accord or Camry will get when operated at temps below -10C to -15C, yet for some folks it is just fine to compare a Hybrid's winter FE to the summer FE of a gas only counterpart. Cheers; MSantos
No testing needed here my friend. The proof that hybrids work very well (even in -30C to -40C Winnipeg winters) is irrefutable and beyond debate. So much so, that its pretty hard to find a taxi that is not a Prius. They are all over ... Cheers; MSantos
Yeah.. tell that to oil country. "Oh we need a pilot program to see if it'll work in AB conditions.. any takers?" That pilot program only had 6 cabs.. mostly FEHs and mostly in Edmonton (one in Calgary IIRC). That is SAD. That was 06-07. Yeah it saved a lotta money over a Crown Vic. The numbers are there. Do the cab drivers/company care? It doesn't appear to be cause I only see that same white TCH cab over and over. The Honda dealer here hasn't sold any HCHs in a long time and see any kind of fuel efficient car is like seeing a Ferrari.