Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but when the auto-climate is on and the internal vents are being opened and closed, they make this "farting" noise that is getting to be quite irritating. It was somewhat funny at first but I would like to fix it since it doesn't seem to be going away on its own. Any ideas on what I can do other than asking the dealership???
Haha :-D I haven't heard Priapus fart before. Haha, fart. If you can reproduce it, I'd suggest that you do so at your dealer the next time you take it in. I would certainly try to couple it with some other inspection/repair/preventative maintenance. I'm not sure I would take it in just for that and be without the car just to fix the farting (tee hee).
My girl might pass gas, but she would never FART. Since I've never heard that sound coming from my Pri, it might be an SBD.
My Prius farts, too, but I don't mind. It's good to have a car that is serious about being easy on the environment AND has a sense of humor to boot! - Ed
My damper has started to make noise when engaging and disengaging (switching to or from Recirculate mode). I'm going to mention it to the dealer when I go in for my 15,000 check-up. Perhaps our Prius found a bag of Olestra potato chips?
Mine makes kind of a hissing noise. Maybe like an almost silent fart? But it's very infrequently. I don't know what I do that causes it, I don't pay attention to the AC. Yet. (high today in mid 80s, will pay attention soon!)
There will be some noise as the actuators move the dampers, but if the dampers stick, then you might get a 'fart' noise.
If you stop feeding your Prius beens the farting should go away but I would really worry if the farts start smelling (beno can be used in this case) LOL Sorry Couldn't resist