My dealer has no cars in their current allocation with Misty Gray fabric interior (code FB60) -- in any exterior color, not just the color I ordered. The salesperson just called to indicate that none have been built, and none are expected to be available in the next two months. (For Washington State residents, the sales tax exemption ends July 31.) This doesn't sound right. Photos have been posted in other threads, and other posters have ordered or commented about this color. Have any of you U.S. folks actually seen, or taken delivery of, a 2010 Prius with Misty Gray fabric interior? If so, which state? -- Dean
I'm in Arizona and my P III is due any day. It is Winter Gray with Misty Gray interior. Maybe your dealer can do a swap at the port for one that is bound for another region. My car came in on the Continental Highway which first docked in SF before heading down to Long Beach.
Interesting...I'm getting the same thing trying to find Misty Gray leather down here in Portland! It's looking like us in the Northwest may be out of luck for awhile...see my post titled: "First Time Buyer: ??? on colors and sunroof..." Not allowed to post links yet...
My wife got a call from our salesman at Wilsonville Toyota indicating that a P IV with Silver metallic exterior and Misty Gray interior was allocated to their store. My wife put a deposit on it and we should take delivery in approximately 2 weeks according to our salesman. At least they appear to be shipping the Misty Gray interior now. Edit: I'm a dummy. I missed the fact that the thread was about a fabric interior. My wife said the P IV would have a leather interior. Sorry. I'm was just excited about actually being able to get a P IV this soon.
I just brought a Prius V w/ATP Classic Silver/Misty Gray leather interior in San Diego, CA just last Friday.
Dave, Who are you working with at Wilsonville? That is the dealer I'm working with (Bill) and he said as of this am he had yet to see a Misty interior (although he did say he'd know more this afternoon). I'm actually waiting for the same as you...a IV with Misty leather (although I'd like winter gray exterior and the solar roof...did you get the solar roof?) At least some Mistys are trickling in...
We're working with a man named Romulus. My wife started talking to him about a Prius a couple of months ago. I called him late yesterday afternoon to try to find out about any of the other options that may be on the car but he didn't have any other details other than exerior and interior color, level (IV), and NAV. He said that he would call me as soon has he heard any other specifics. My first choice for exterior was the Winter Gray and the Classic Silver was my second choice. I thought a lot about getting the solar roof but it wasn't a must have for my wife as she will probably end up driving it more than I will. If you want to see what the Misty Gray interior looks like, let me know and we'll make arrangements for that when it arrives.
So Misty Gray fabric does exist, at least in another region? I'll have to tweak them once more to look a bit harder.
Guys, when a car's been out for a few weeks, that "he hasn't seen one" means NOTHING! I have both II and III with all color fabrics. It's available. But, that said, the car's barely been on the west coast for 2 weeks> Patience! It will show up eventually. I have 56 cars here/coming soon so I have a little bit of everything. And, can seek across the entire country. Dianne
Interesting you have so many Prius models available Dianne. Checking the inventory on-line of Power Toyota in Cerritos, supposedly one of Toyota largest distributers, they haven't a single Prius listed, either 2009 or 2010! Any idea why this is?
I do not know. I don't work there. I'll be posting the many cars we still have available soon - but these are cars coming thru June's end. PS: I like your car color choice! My 2007 package 6 is a silverpine/tan.
I can wait several weeks, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the July 31 registration deadline. August 1, the price goes up more than $2100, courtesy of the WA legislature and governor. :-(.
Dianne, Thanks. The Silver Pine Mica color was not my first choice, silver was, but I wasn't prepared to wait the 6 weeks for one to show up. As it happens, the SPM is a color that grows on you. Too bad Toyota dropped it for the (initial) 2010 models. Maybe it will show up in a year or so!
Only two of you (dbacksfan & DianneWhitmire in another thread) mention Misty Gray fabric (pkg II and III), the others have this color in leather (pkg IV and V). My dealer insisted once more that no Misty Gray fabric had ever been built, but when I mentioned these examples, he noted that he sees details for only our region (WA-OR-ID-MT-AK), and these examples were out of region. This narrows the question -- Has anyone seen Misty Gray Fabric in the Pacific Northwest? This isn't a deal breaker, I'll switch colors rather than let the tax exemption expire.
Why dont you call another dealer and ask....I know in the Denver region there are Misty Gray being built, just happens to be not many as compared to the Beige... hang tight, Im sure they will be coming. Any good Internet/Fleet guy will be get you the right info. I would tell you but I cant see inventory up in WA. Denver region is -AZ, NM, NV, CO, UT
I've done several checks -- looked at cars in person on several lots, asked one salesperson directly (big mistake and extremely time consuming when he is the high pressure type), and looked at inventory online for several dealers, only some of which list the interior color. No counterexample yet, but the coverage is still poor.
I took delivery of a 2010 Prius V w/ATP in Classic Silver with Misty Gray leather interior last Friday in the San Diego CA area.