Just got a Costco price quote from a dealer near Milwaukee WI (Russ Darrow). I always ask for out the door prices, so extrapolating back, it looks like they're giving a $250 MSRP discount, but keep in mind they add $125 in fees which is standard at the dealers in southern WI. Haven't asked about what his waiting list looks like, but this is a fairly large dealer.
I am in the Bay Area and I am in the process of going through Costco. The dealer is quoting me $250 under MSRP. All of the other dealers are qutoing MSRP. At least the 250 will cover the extra cost for the Blizzard Pearl paint.
Unfortunately, in SoCal, they don't seem to have a negotiated price yet. Anyway, $250 over the course of the loan isn't really a big deal compared to MSRP. I guess it could be handy if your local dealers are charging over (as some here are).
so, it looks like the over msrp Priuses are not moving off the lots here in LA land. i've had the dealers here in the area offer me msrp just a week after walking off the lot laughing at the rediculous markup. I'm waiting for my color. It's on a boat. Can't wait.
Little insight on Costco pricing and how it works. With no vehicles or very high demand with no supply the Prius will be excluded from the list with Costco warehouse and the dealer that warehouse does business with in most cases, not all. For example - 2009 Camry's are at invoice right now, 2010 Camry's $300 over and 2010 Prius excluded. That is for the three warehouses, we contract with locally. Until you see the Prius sitting on the lot most dealer will exclude the car from the list.. The pricing is also only valid for that current month.
Thank you. This is very interesting. Do you get better lease deals if you go through Costco (let's say on a '09 Camry) or does this only apply to cash purchase price?
On June 3rd, I was told by DCH of Torrance, CA dealer that Costco pricing would be MSRP for the forseeable future. I sent an email to Costco; they "are looking into it"
After calling and e-mailing over 20+ dealers in the West I only found one in LA knocking off $500 below MSRP to Sams & Costco customers, but I did find one in Montana doing more to everybody! You really need to find a dealer who just sells a lot of trucks and not many cars. :rockon:
Costco isnt a place for leasing..They are a place for purchase..But while you are looking at purchase you can look at the lease specials from Toyota as well. Doesnt hurt right?
All you should have to do is call the 800 for Costco cars, and they will put you in touch with a dealer who will accept a Costco deal. Please keep in mind, that just because a dealer agrees to a discount to a Costco customer does not mean that this dealership is 'officially' in the Costco program. They may have offered you that $250 to $50 off anyway. That said, the high demand for this car at the moment will indicate that you will not likely get much more than a few hundred off at the moment for any 2010 Prius, Costco or not. This is how the program works...
The COSTCO price is available for 2009 Model. It is $300 below the MSRP in Chicago Area. I am waiting for 2010 COSTCO price.
On Monday, Rotter's Toyota (Olympia, WA) offered $800 below MSRP for the 2010 IV SR. On Saturday, Costco said that two dealers in WA (Olympia & Bremerton) are honoring the Costco pricing. I was told by another PriusChatter that Auburn is also honoring it. Even if a dealership is not honoring the Costco discount, some are still beating the price.
What do you mean "honoring the Costco pricing?" It is their own pricing! The dealers work out a contract with Costco in advance to sell to Costco members who use the buying service for a certain prenegotiated price. The negotiated price is different at each dealer and for each model of car. The participating dealer has control over what this price is. It isn't necessarily a fantastic price on cars in low supply, but it is a no hassle price that will save you alot of time and aggravation at the dealer.
I heard that the Prius Gen 3 II will be $20,999 at costco, but you need to buy a pack of 24, and they are all the same color.
Not Costco pricing, but I have the Medford OR offering me $500 below MSRP on any Prius model. No port add ons or any extras, just $200 for floor mats
Well sorry for stating that incorrectly or if I misled anyone (PriusChat newbie, if I can claim ignorance). I was just glad to see that pricing was below MSRP since I was ready to pay full amount last week. It would be helpful to know that some places are willing to deal (however big or small). $800 is significant to me.
Don't mean to redirect the thread, as I think this is relevant info in finding a good price below MSRP. Like everyone else, I tried my Costco first, but the 2010 model is not available. Then I found out my American Express card has an auto buying program, as does AAA, and many other clubs you may already belonged to. They all us ZAG.com as a discount group buying program. You can go here, and search for the 2010 Prius. (No actual AMEX credit card needed to use the site) http://amexnetwork.zag.com/main.html Once you find a dealer that is willing to discount the car for American Express members, you can simply call the dealer up and he will most likely give you the same deal. The closest one in my Chicago area is 160 miles away, but he called me back the next day after my email inquiry and told me he has a blue one coming in 2 weeks and was willing to sell it at $300 above invoice, or roughly $500 below MSRP. I already purchased a Prius II from a dealer closer to my house; I didn't want to wait, so I didn't take up on his offer. My local dealer offers me free unlimited lifetime car washes, I figured I can get at least $500 worth out of that, especially during the Chicago winter with all the salt built up on the cars, so it was a better deal. All dealers are willing to sell it below MSRP if you let them make a little profit elsewhere, either with options upgrades, extended warranties, or financing fees. Even with the car in high demand, I was still able to get my dealer to sell the car to me at a good price with added free value. It took about 15 minutes of negotiating and him running back and forth to his manager, but in the end, I was able to get the price without any markups even when they have a list of other customers waiting to buy the car. They didn't want to lose all the time they already spent wooing me to buy the Prius, and the salesman really wanted his commission instead of losing it to his co-workers. The salesman later told me that if he can sell the car even $1 above invoice, he gets a bigger % rate on his comission. So don't waste your effort in trying to get the car at invoice price, most dealers don't want to go that low. But below MSRP is definitely within your reach.