The LA region (74 dealers) is being allocated 209 cars for the first half of April. Let's do the math here... er, wait, let's NOT! It's too freakin' depressing. Even if I get a full 3% of the allocation, I will get 6 cars. Dianne
Dear Santa(aka Toyoto Motor Co.), I've been really good this year. I've paid my taxes, worked hard, and not asked for much in return. Hey, I didn't even ask for a big screen tv for Christmas. So, Santa, here's the deal, my birthday is coming up, April 12th to be specific, and I'd really like a 2004 Prius. I've been waiting all my life, well, ok, since July-August last year. Thanks in advance, Jody Rawles, in TMC we trust, hope, pray, ...
Thsoe who are waiting all feel your pain. It seems like they added insult to injury with that price increase. They could have at least waited until they had more cars to sell :-/
I agree Rick... was like adding insult to injury -- and the "PR" classy thing they did to get around it was offer the $300 cash back to anyone already waiting. But, with so damn few cars being built, what is 300 bucks x so few cars? :\
By the way -- I got 4 cars this last time around. All package 9's. (all sold of course) ... but I did not get enough as usual!
I have an odd sort of question kind of on topic of the price increase. What if you placed multiple orders both before and after the price increase and so happens that a dealer that you ordered from after the increase is the 1st to have a car for you. Don't you think Toyota should honor the $300 rebate since you were on "the list" before the increase? Dianne Empress of Prius or anyone for that matter have any thoughts on this conundrum? :mrgreen:
Dianne, Does that allocation cover Santa Barbara county? Specifically, Toyota of Santa Maria? When I 'ordered' my car they were only offering packages 3, 6, and 9 (I went for the 6). I've also been waiting since early December. Thanks,
If you purchase from a dealership who had an order from you, then the Toyota cash back applies. That is all I know. :>