Has the 2010's Cruise Control still the odd behavior pattern of the previous generation: If speed drops below ± 40 kph/25 mph, "resume" doesn't work. It's not only odd - a royal PITA would be more exact..... I searched the forum quite a while without finding anything - sorry if the question has already been answered.
My 2009 Prius cruise control cuts off at 36kph. IIRC all my previous cars did that, around that speed threshold. Not odd.
All OEM cc's work that way. A safety issue. Slow down for car in front of you or a stop light and then resume would accelerate rapidly, some times at full throttle is some cars, and things happen fast. Manufacturers do not want that liability.
It's a safety thing - and it's actually quite normal. Picture this - you're pulling out of the supermarket, creeping along in the firelane at 3 miles per hour. Then you hit the resume button - do you REALLY want the car to accelerate back up to 70mph in this environment? Dave
LOL.. flexing your ankle 1" for a couple of seconds to accelerate to over 25mph is a "royal pain" in the rear!? How does actually walking make you feel back there? Cheers Dave
But I think his point is that even when you are above the threshhold again, the resume doesn't work - you have to reset the speed you want. None of my non Prius cars ever worked this way. They would always resume the preset speed once resume was selected when the car was above the threshhold speed.
Hello again, "Thanks " to kevinwhite, Stefx, nwprius, Steve Cebu, and DaveSheremata for your very"kind" and "constructive" replies :rockon:. Nice to see, Bob_Stan, that at least one person here seems to understand what I've been writing about. In fact, the 2007 Prius II is the first and only vehicle we've ever had that has this annoying feature, cancelling out the preset speed anytime the vehicle travels at less than 40 kph. Our other vehicle, a 2007 Lexus RX400h, wil readily resume the set speed after a stop once the vehicle is again travelling at more than 40 kph. Of course, I do not expect any vehicle to resume a set speed from zero - but the fact that our Prius II goes into instant amnesia whenever the speed happens to fall below 40 kph is dangerous, if you're used to "normal" CC behavior, and apart from that bl**dy annoying. Example: You drive merrily along on CC. Up comes something (toll booth, roundabout, whatever) that will have yoy reduce speed below the "amnesia threshold". After this you accelerate manually to above a speed where CC is normally active, you hit "RESUME", and NOTHING happens. In any other vehicle, hitting "RESUME" when the vehicle is again travelling above the lower threshold of the CC range, it will resume the previously memorized speed. So please, 2010 owners, could I have some REAL feedback?
I understand completely your concern about this. Every car with cruise that I've owned (if I recall correctly) includes this 'speed resume' component. This includes 4 Toyota's including the one I have now. This alternative behavior by the Prius may be an oversight (doubt that) intentional (huh?...but the only sensible reason) or a blunder (by Japanese?) Nevertheless something to watch for while operating. BTW - no need to ** bloody - the censor police would let it pass.
No, sorry guys, but the Prius cruise control works -exactly- like the 1990 4Runner's, the 86 Subaru's, AND the 2001 Pathfinder's I've owned. If you go below the threshold it looses the setting. This is deliberate, to protect drivers from themselves. For example, if the cruise takes you off the road (slippery for example or just sleepy) and you drop to a slow speed it stops to protect you. I know it's a lot of work to accelerate manually back up to speed and press the lever down to set it, BUT...
It isn't so much that it's hard work - it's something different. My Hondas "remembers" the set speed. Also, cruise stays on unless manually turned off, even if the car is turned off. I thought something was wrong with the Prius when I first used cruise and it didn't resume after I slowed down below the threshold. I went back up to 45 mph and hit resume. I bet the truck behind me wasn't all that happy either
I have one response to this thread and a separate question: Response: My '07 TCH has a good memory. It remembers the preset CC speed, even after stopping at a stop light / stop sign. Question: Does Prius 2010 have indicator that shows when CC is in control (working) as well as an indicator for when CC is just powered up?
A quick follow up question: What does the resume button in the Prius do?? Is it just for resuming CC after you've temporarily paused it? Can you pause it, drop below the threshold, speed back up, and press resume? Or will you need to reset it then too? It doesn't seem like a very useful button if the latter is true...
You need to reset the cruise speed of a Prius if your speed drops below 40km/h. It worried me for a few second. now i don't even notice it.
Hello again, The weird behavior of the cruise control on the Gen 2 is known to me - after all we've had one for close to two years and 30K kms. And as our other Toyota product, a Lexus RX400h, behaves like every other car on the European market, i.e. once above the lowest usable cruise control threshold you can resume the previously set speed by hitting "RESUME". It's annoying that the Gen 2 Prius does not do so. The post by "Blauer Glimmer" is an excellent example of why this cruise control configuration is potentially dangerous, and I have been in several similar situations when swapping between vehicles. My original question - to 2010 Gen 3 owners only, please: Has this bug been corrected on the new vehicle?
Hello Krouebi: I don't have a 2010, but rather a 2009. However, this week I was traveling for work, and I have to report that the 2009 Prius that I rented DID NOT exhibit the same behavior as your 2007. Nor do I believe that my 2009 does. Basically, when I had been on the highway with the cruise on, stopping at toll plazas, then accelerating up to speed would indeed restart the cruise at the last set speed, FWIW. Best wishes,
The owner's manual reports the 2010 functioning the same way. My 2004 would forget below a certain speed as well. What I really miss is the Gen 1 ability to operate cruise control in B mode which helps maintain a steady speed going down hill, but no faster. Currently, selecting B-mode will cancel cruise and then requires light accelerator pedal to achieve the same effect.
Sorry everyone: I was hastily trying to compose the above reply on my Blackberry while waiting for a plane to finish boarding, so the final result came out really confusing. So I will try to start over. I own a 2009 Prius. And this week I rented a 2009 Prius while on a business trip. The behavior that I noticed on the rental car I think is exactly the same as on my car: When driving on the highway today in the rental car, I tested the cruise control "resume" function as follows: I set the control at speed on the highway. When approaching a toll booth, I stepped on the brakes, which shut off the cruise control (of course). After paying the toll, I accelerated normally. When about 5 mph below my previous cruising speed, t stopped accelerating. Then I hit resume on the cruise control. The Prius cruise control then brought the car back up to my previous cruising speed. I tried this a couple of times, with the same result. So maybe I'm the one misunderstanding something. Or maybe the 2009 behaves differently from some previous model years. But it does seem that the cruise control on the 2009 remembers its previous setpoint. I assume that my own 2009 works the same exact way. But I'm not going for a ride tonight to check it out! I will however, post back should I notice anything else in the coming days. I'm a real cruise control freak, also. I even use it on secondary roads. I've never noticed anything weird with the Prius cruise control on my own Prius, except that it can't maintain a really constant speed very well on winding roads (it kind of varies by a few mph). My Chevy minivan, on the other hand, doesn't have a problem with winding roads. Anyway, FWIW, that's my experience.
Hmmm.....I just had another thought: maybe the resume only works if you are within a certain percentage of the last set speed? I'll test this out some time this weekend and report back.