We've seen some posts/questions about floor and cargo mats and wanted to respond with some info. There are three different carpet floor mats for the 2010 Prius in the US, one for each interior color choice. Attached is an image that shows these with their proper color, but please note, these are not final production quality (edges are different from the second attachment which shows a set of production level mats). From left to right these are the mats that correspond to Misty Gray, Bisque, then Dark Gray interior color selections. The carpet cargo mat is indeed one standard color regardless of interior color selection (it matches the cargo area which remains the same gray tone despite different interior choices). Hope this helps. Any issues/questions, please let us know. Best, Erica
I know I'll be finding out soon Erica, but on the 5 piece All Weather mats, is the cargo one also one standard color? From all of us Erica, Thank You as always for the continued information!
Hmmm. My Misty Gray came with almost black floor mats, which look great; more like the center set. Sure you have them in the right order; or did I get lucky.
Doug / Erica, Ever consider an "Online Help Line" directly with Prius Chat? Would save a lot of our time pontificating and talking in all caps here. On the other hand, if you had ALL the answers immediately - what would we do here all day? Thanks for the clarification on the mats - yay for in the 3 interior colors.
Let's leave it at "you got lucky." Dealers can swap out the mats if they were done incorrectly and unlike Vincent, you aren't happy
The carpet cargo mat on my Dark Gray IIIG Prius IV Blue with SSR (sorry I haven't taken any pics or posted about buying one) is really ratty looking. The edge closest to the back seat is severely frayed. There are a few one to two inch thin strips towards the lift back side that are bare. In addition it generally seams to big for the back and therefore looks frumpy and doesn't lay correctly. The dealer said they will arrange for a replacement. Besides that, I LOVE MY 2010 PRIUS!!! The 2009 impressed me so much that we decided to dump our gas guzzler truck for a 2010. All I can say is WOW! I find myself arriving at work extra early, as I am so eager to drive it in the morning, but then I don't want to leave it. A truly great and innovative vehicle has now raised the bar. Happy driving everyone!
My misty gray mats are also a very dark color, which I happen to like. Cargo area is lighter. I must say the cargo mat is MUCH improved with the creases embossed in which help significantly with folding up the bin covers, etc. This is much appreciated!
Erica, and Prius Team, Thanks for the updates on the mats. I see the picture for the Cargo Area All Weather Mat, could you please confirm if the All Weather Mats are all in Black, or do they come in other colors? I ordered mine as a Port Installed Options with my V in Blizzard with Misty Gray, and would love to know if they will all be black (and match as nicely as the one you showed in the picture)?
Hi Erica, i'm just wondering why Bisque gets the darker mat? Shouldn't the dark grey be the mat in the middle pic?
That's what I am hoping as well, I too got the Port Installed all weather instead of the carpeted ones and black would be just perfect for me.
I've always replaced the factory mats with black all weather. I would not want the light gray or brown mats as the whole reason I get them is to protect the carpet from dirt and grime. The light carpet mats always would be dirty looking. On my TCH I found the black a nice contrast to the light gray interior. I am surprised they don't offer brown as I have a set of Sequoia mats in dark brown from several years ago (I use them in my Expedition).
I thought you guys knew everything existed online these days. Check here for the image, my image is too large to upload. Toyota Prius Accessories The bisque interior mats are dark to match the color of the IP and to better serve our customers since lighter colors ware more. We have them on a number of our prototypes with bisque and I think they look great (IMHO as you all like to say). Also, a great tool for experimenting with all of the options/colors etc is available on the Toyota.com site for Prius. Check this out: 3rd Generation Toyota Prius Interior - 360 View We're looking into some of this forum's reports of potential mixed up colors. Thanks for letting us know. Best, Erica
Thanks Erica, I appreciate that. The reason that I Asked was that it was not apparent from the link that you sent us as to whether all 5 mats looked the same, or if available in a range of colors. Even the three color mats are not visible on this site (So thank you for the color pictures). Additionally, the all weather mats only show 1 each of the front and rear mats, but not the cargo liner. This is why I asked. Thanks Again, for all your help, time and again.
Thanks Erica, I am hoping I get the very dark mats since my interior color is dark Grey and light grey mats would look out of place on the floor of a dark grey interior. I think floor mats should be dark or black to hide the grime we inevitably get in the winter here. I won't be happy if I get beige floormats with a dark grey interior. It would look strange. Unless the idea is to blend in with all the roadsalt we get in the winter which turns all the black mats to white.
Hi Erica, From the 360 interior view, it looks like the floor mats for misty gray are the same black/very dark gray that is for the bisque. I hope I get the black mats! I think they look really good with the misty gray interior. It also makes sense with misty gray since then it would match the arm rest and inside of the doors.
My dark gray interior Prius V has dark gray floor mats, but a light beige cargo mat--and also the entire carpeted cargo area is light beige. I don't understand why they don't supply all 5 mats in the same color (and for that matter why the cargo area carpet is different than the rest of the car). That light beige cargo mat is going to look dirty in no time--anybody know where I can get a dark gray or black one?