I'm an educator. From public schools to corporate training, I enjoy spending time at a podium or lectern distributing information and - hopefully - opening some minds. Again this year, I plan to attend Hybridfest. And again, I hope to be able to give to the cause by delivering a presentation or two. The problem is that I can't come up with a good topic. Everything I come up with is rather depressing: dependence on foreign oil, the destruction of the environment, our part in our own downfall, etc. Give me a better topic. Perhaps something uplifting and not so depressing. Of course, once I land on a topic I'll probably ask for help with the content.
As The Dictionary says The Hybrid is the offspring of two plants or animals of different species; anything of mixed ancestry. Could this be something positive, that you could begin your lecture with?
I always like the angle on the impacts of burning fossil fuel and human health/economy. Yes it is rather ddepressing but it can go a long ways towards making people feel good about driving a fuel efficient car. No one likes to poising children's lungs and other internal organs.
Life's fragile yet eternal beauty, of course. The synergistic multi-dimensional web of cells and atoms, from rose petals and cloud shapes to ocean waves and phases of the moon. Or cars. Whatever.
Perhaps something outlining improvements developing in the real of alternative energy. New battery technology, coming PHEVs (ie. Volt, Prius PHEV), the various DIY conversions, BEVs (Tesla just delievered their 500th Roadster, they've got pre-orders for over 1000 model S sedans), the recent move toward clean energy buses in many cities, etc. There's this: You can talk about the potential benefits of the GM restructuring as far as alternative energy vehicles.
Why not talk about the way out of the mess we are in? Don't concentrate on the harm we are doing or have done but rather on the path we are currently exploring to a better world. Talk about why Hybrids are a step on the way to clean independent transport powered by clean renewable electricity.
Ok. Thanks guys. Actually, a thought hit me. What about "The Science of Hypermiling"? Is it possible to break down P&G mathematically? Can we put numbers to proper tire inflation? Is there a way to quantify not braking excessively? This would not have to be hybrid related. In fact, I would expect to be on the main stage which is open to the public so it would be best to keep it generic. It would be enlightening, upbeat, focus on the positives of conservation and I can put it in terms of money in your pocket.
Tony, In the past your target audience at HF was the general public and you prided yourself on the KISS concept. A topic like the science of hypermiling is really a very different target audience--the experienced driver or even hypermilers working for more numbers. It's a topic I would enjoy hearing more about, but I think you'd lose that random walk-in dude who happened to be in the facility when your talk started. I guess my question is, is this one of the upstairs lectures for the HF paid attendees or a downstairs lecture for the random walk-in crowd. If the latter then I think you idea may be a bit over the top.
As I never tire of promoting my particular hobbyhorse, why not the OTHER benefit of hybrids? I view my Prius as a fine electrical generator that occasionally is also used for transportation. Especially if you're in an area that experiences utility power outages, a hybrid can be used to provide electrical power to your house. As they become more plentiful, the "V2G" (Vehicle to Grid) application becomes more practical, and the hybrid fleet can supplement the electrical grid in the case of wide-spread outages. More info at PriUPS.com Richard
Hi Evan & Tony; Perhaps the key is NOT to get bogged down on the P&G stuff only. Frankly, P&G is just one of the techniques in the hypermiling toolkit and not even one that delivers for everyone or in all circumstances either. Again, some will crank out great numbers if you P&G, others will do even better by leveraging other yet unique attributes in the car. Helping people decide which are best and safest and WHY is where I see much value that could be of interest to the walk-in crowd. In the end, I feel Tony can approach it from a basic perspective of practicality that is also rooted on good and easy to understand science. Also, it would not hurt to talk about the interpreted impact of hypermiling from a broader perspective, especially when relating to each of the techniques in the toolkit. Cheers; MSantos
I don't think Tony was suggesting he was going to focus on P&G. But as I read your post I did begin to wonder if Tony was wandering into Wayne's "turf" for what he might choose to discuss. Would be wise to make sure you're not stepping on one another's toes.
Good call, Evan, and it's good to keep things in check. In the end, MSantos is correct in that my plans would be to keep it simple but factual. It's just that I get skeptical when I hear a bunch of claims with no support; I imagine that those on the fence and the staunch resisters would walk away with the same skepticism. It's not that I want to focus on the science; I just want to use it to support the claims. What I'm thinking is something along the lines of coasting to a red light. Nobody would argue that coasting does not use as much gas as accelerating but what actually are the benefits? In other words, if maintaining a constant speed uses Gconsump gallons per mile and you coast for Cdist miles it drives the simple equation of: Gsav = (Cdist * Gconsump) How many times does a person NOT coast to a stop during the course of a regular morning/evening commute? How many gallons does that translate to per tank? How much does that cost at $3.50/gal? That's simple: Pricegas * Gsav = $pocket I would hope that it would be something like, "every time you don't coast to a stop, reach in your pocket and throw a dime out the window." The average listener might forget the math and I don't care about it. If they walk away saying, "my current driving habits are costing my money and that guy proved it" and I have achieved my goal.
Ah, so you just wanna refresh your college Calculus! I understand a little better what you're saying...honestly a talk like that, once you'd done the hard labor of all the advanced calculations, could then be tailored to your audience...a basic lecture with just the final numbers sans the math for the general audience and an advanced talk for the serious hypermilers with all the numbers and percentages and such.
Hi Evan That is a good point. I don't know what Wayne is going to be talking about this year but we can always ask. But I also say that when it comes to this kind of stuff there is a great deal of room left to accommodate different approaches and interpretations of the same basic issues as long as they enhance our understanding of hypermiling and not erode it. For instance: Some have a more practical approach to hypermiling and Wayne is the most accomplished in that area, but an occasional incursion into the more theoretical side of it does not have to be seen as a potential conflict at all. This would indeed be a new and much needed perspective that would not only validate but also support the inherently practical side of hypermiling. Tony: I and quite a few other people I know would be very keen listeners if you decided to dabble into it in this way. Cheers; Manuel
Revealing my personal bias here (which you know anyway) my suggestion would be: Hybrid vehicles as a stepping-stone to sustainability. Hybrids can change the way people think about cars, bringing them to understand that electricity makes a gas car better. Once they understand that, they will be more likely to accept cars that do not require fossil fuel at all, and that, with adequate infrastructure, can be powered by the sun and the wind. Darrel "fuels" his car from the PV panels on his roof. Mine runs off of electricity from the Bonneville Dam. It was my Prius that opened my mind to the wonders of driving on electricity. Those brief moments of pure, quiet, electric operation made me wish for a car that would do that all the time. A Prius only gets slightly better gas mileage than a good econobox, but it opens a window through which you catch a glimpse of a whole new way of running a car, and thus has the potential to educate the population for a grand paradigm shift from conventional gas cars to pure electric ones, as it combines the two technologies under a single hood.
Hyper-milers drive carefully, safely, comfortably, and rather slowly. My perspective on driving has thoroughly changed since ditching the leaky Wrangler for Bubba, the Prius. How about a topic relating to the new world of safe, simple driving in a hybrid. Ok, a short trip takes me 5-10 min. longer, and a 200 mile trip takes an hour longer. (What are the jerks-of-the-world gonna do with that time, smoke another cigarette?) Why not a topic on the Good Life of comfortable, secure driving? Remember those Florida plates that said "Arrive Alive"?
This would be an interesting topic for one of the upstairs rooms. Did I see you raise your hand and volunteer to present at the fest Richard?
I can imagine what George Carlin would say, sly, subversive prick that he could be. (And I mean that in a nice way) First he'd ask for a show of hands: "How many of you drove your hybrids here?" Lotsa hands, smiles and nods all around. "Did everyone come for this event, or were you on your way somewhere else? Many quizzical looks. Isn't this THE event? "How many of you tracked your mileage?" More knowing smiles, a few chuckles. "How many of you walked here?" What, is he nuts? Nobody notices the homeless man in the back putting one hand up, the other still stuffing his pockets with free muffins. "So, some of you smart people can tell us how much gas was used, and how many pounds of CO2 were generated, just for this event." "And what is it we're here to talk about?...Oh, that's right...s a v i n g...g a s !!" See, that's the thing with George. He'd take that smug and throw it right back in your @#*!! face. edit: Holy crap, where did that come from? My mind was taken over by ghosts from beyond, I swear.
Actually, Tony, I thought your little talk about how you managed to never buy your own beer while in college was entertaining Darn, I wish we could make it to Hybridfest this year. Unfortunately, it's too far to drive, I hate to fly, and DH's back is messed up. You all have fun without us... ...and if anyone should happen to score a lapdance, someone please, get a photo, okay?