Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite On behalf of Star Trek fans everywhere, I would like to point out that there's is nothing wrong with green females. And I've liked the commercials so far. But I think it's time to focus on the tech more.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I thought the Gen III reached the height of dorkdom with those 15" wheels. I was wrong. Looks even dorkier when gliding though fields of people dressed as flowers and butterflies. To think there is a room full of people who get paid a lot of money to decide that this is a good idea. But - on the plus side, there is a demographic of older women, nursing a green tea or a nice chardonnay, petting a cat or dog on the lap, saying "damn, I gotta get me one of those!" Not that I'm complaining (mocking, yes) - the lower the demand the better for me - but Toyota might have considered a commercial which actually makes the Gen III look cool.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite Be happy you didn't buy the new one - not the most reliable piece of machinery. I certainly miss my old one - OK, not the "manual" defrost (sticking my hand out the window with a scraper), and the fan that only ran when the car was in motion, and the windshield washer running off the pressure of the spare... Guess I'm getting old
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I never said "reliable", I said "practical". That meant it was easy to fix (although you did have to fix it often) and parts were easy to find and cheap. But seriously, the knock on the prius is that an amazing number of people think that it's a small, cheap, geeky box built for people who want to save the world from global warming. This series of ads does more to reinforce that negative opinion than anything else I can imagine. It does not help sell cars. Even my wife (a green woman) hates the ad.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite Hey - I resemble that remark! Just to make the stereotype worse, I'm blonde too. So far I haven't like the commercials although I haven't checked out #3 yet. They certainly wouldn't make me say I've got to buy one. Rather, I think I need another glass of wine to see if it makes more sense when the world is a little fuzzier!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I was sold after I sat in my 07 and saw how big it was inside. My neighbor sat in mine and he was shopping for a Prius in 08. I think you need to show how much room is inside the car. And The Tech Features. I agree showing the Enviro Friendliness will turn off the Muscle Car Market and reinforce " This Car Is For Tree Huger s "
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite Well Thanks Prius Team for the warning. Sounds like we are to expect more dancing, singing Nature Sprites? Honestly I've taken some shots at the commercials but they are kind of growing on me. I'm sure if I take muscle relaxants first I might even enjoy them. I noticed around the net, some static 2010 Prius ads very distinctly refering to the "3rd Generation" Toyota Prius, I was hoping that signaled a change in advertising aproach. But alas, sounds like we get at least one more trip to Sugar Gum Drop Mountain to see the dancing and singing houseplants. I know I sound harsh, and maybe I'm being too sarcastic for some peoples tastes. But really, honestly I'm just disappointed thus far in the advertising. I've searched the net, Toyota has a history of really cutting edge, good advertising with The Prius and I find this whole approach so very predictable. Plus the message, depsite expensive production values, very common to The Prius mythology. They are just the ads you run if you want to sell The Prius to those that are already sold on The Prius. Those that really dislike the Prius, they are fuel to the unjustified flame and I don't see these ads having much impact on the hopefully reachable demographic of first time hybrid purchasers. -"Honey! Let's Buy a Car that makes people want to get into avante garde Musical Theatre!". On the other hand, how pathetic is it that I'm this obssesed with Prius that I'm probably going to agressively watch the ad in the first place? Something must be right, or I just have to admit I need to renew the prescription for the muscle relaxants or get a real life.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite <start rant> Alright mister. There's plenty of us 'green females' here on the forum. (Come on ladies - get behind me now) And I for one am getting a lttle bit peeved by all the "only a girl would care about that" comments. You might (or might not) be interested in an ancient (2004) study that shows: Women purchase more than 52% of all new vehicles; an $83 billion market. Women influence more than 85% of all automotive sales in U.S. households. Women spend $300 billion annually on used car sales, maintenance, repairs and service. Female buyers are the fastest growing segment of new and used car buyers today. Female buyers spend slightly more time in the purchasing process than men (17 wks. vs. 15 wks.) Female buyers seek more advice from automotive authority websites (62%) before buying a new car. Nearly all female car buyers (97%) plan on being the principal driver of a new vehicle. Median age 41 / College 78% / Median HH Income $66,000 Female buyers will shop an average of three dealerships for best price and best treatment. Female buyers purchase lower priced cars and are more likely to finance their purchase (65%). As of 2004, more than 68% of all women use the Internet to research product information and resources online compared to only one-third of female buyers reading print auto magazines. Female buyers prefer to read automotive magazines that address their needs, issues and priorities when buying. Female buyers prefer articles on how to's, basics in buying, leasing, maintenance and repairs, with safety as their number one concern and number one priority when buying. Female buyers place more importance on safety, dependability, functionality and economic factors. Style and performance ranked last in consideration and factors in if budget allows. The number one complaint women have with dealerships is how they're treated as customers. Online anonymity is the preferred method of new car research until it's time to test drive. Female Buyer Study - Women's Automotive Market -- ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine So, either share the road and the information with us or get lost in our dust!! <rant over>
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite But Maggie, are you being fair? The original comment wasn't an attack on females or being green, it was a comment about the seeming intended demographic focus of the ad. I didn't really hear an attack on all the specifics you are defending. Nobody is really saying "only a girl"... Trying to not step on an emotional landmine but I do think its fair to say about the ADS that stereotypically you would classify them as more feminine than masculine? I think you can be female and green and like the ads, also female and green and dislike the ads. Sorry but your rant seems a little misdirected. I'd be with you if the original post was, "Those ads are only for Green Females and Green Females can't have an income, research a purchase, use the internet for research, read an automotive magazine, make a good purchasing decision...on and on....BUT that isn't what was being said. I think we all need to join hands like Toyota's singing plant life, Kumbaya, let's find some harmony!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I would not be suprised if women were of particular interest. If Toyota really wants to exploit the female market, then they might want to focus on the purse cubby. My wife has been asking for some time why a car company cannot make a purse holder, so I think it is a good feature. Just a thought. I for one don't generally buy anything based solely on commercials. To me they're about name recognition and entertainment. Hey, I like the Dos Equis ad but I have no intention on drinking one anytime soon. Most car commercials look like every other car commercial, but you won't confuse any for a Prius commercial. The Prius is not competing with trucks or muscle cars or motorcycles. For now, the competition is primarily other fuel-efficient sedans, so the green theme is fine with me, even if it may be a little "cute." The Prius commercials are still way more interesting than watching someone just driving down some ordinary road in some other car--maybe with 5 tiny people in the car to make it look spacious. But I know it's a personal taste thing. If someone is only motivated by more "manly" commercials, then I'm sure there are some Dodge Rams and Hummers begging for a new owner. Look, if someone is looking for towing capacity (or what ever else it takes for a manly commercial), then the Prius might not be for them anyway. Why not be honest about it?
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite Whoa, Maggie! My best friend is a "green woman"-I married her. I intended no negative connotation to that expression. My point is simply that an advertising campaign that focuses on either male or female drivers (or worse a subset of either of those) by definition cuts your potential market in half (or worse). I would say the same thing if they ran an ad with beer guzzling football fans loading the hatch with kegs of beer.
New 3rd Gen Prius Commercial (Solar Panels) Hey everyone. Just saw a new Prius commercial and rushed to the computer to tell everyone!!! Haha I'm a geek. Anyyyyway. The new commercial is the same "nature-inspired" types of commercial featuring the cartoonish looking surroundings and the Prius. In this commercial, they focused on the optional solar panel ventilation system and pointed out how it will cool the car cabin's temperature down on hot days. I found it while flipping through channels, it came on Fox @ 9:49pm (EST). So I guess if anyone was TiVo-ing "So You Think You Can Dance" (What a terrible show, but I digress) then you should have it on your TiVo. I'll keep checking YouTube for a video. Just thought I'd let everyone know!!!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I saw it tonight. It is a much better commercial for me than the first ones. At least there was some guy stuff with the solar vent. Flowers and fairies don't convey the technological advancements contained in the Prius! Frankly, I like the Honda hybrid commerical better. At least the Honda kinda looks like the Prius and may be mistaken for one! BTW: the Volkswagon commercial is just plain wrong! Lee
The commercials must be having some success with recognition. Even middle school students instantly recognize the ad, although they say they didn't notice the people until the third time they saw it. I think they're odd, but cleverly made commercials. Now they are hooking us in by having us anticipate the focus of each of the new releases in the series.
I can't find commercial #3 online, Toyota USA hasn't updated their Youtube yet. However, I did find a video by a German filmmaker with some very strange similarities to this Prius advertising campaign. Check it out... preferably on mute. WARNING, a bit of NSFW language in video! ASTRID RIEGER - Apple On A Tree
Re: New 3rd Gen Prius Commercial (Solar Panels) Thanks, P4P. It turns out Prius Team gave us the heads up prior to the video. The thread is here:
A colleague of mine brought it up at the dinner table last night based on that commercial. "Did you know some of those cars have solar panels?" I said "Yea, mine does." and then described the feature. They're obviously catching someone's attention.