how about a special short toot on the horn when you see another prius. one that would tell hi and and i also use prius chat.needs to be short.if the other car dont know the special prius chat toot thats his problem.......
OK here is my suggestion. Morse code for the letter "P" .--. which is to say, dih-dah-dah-dit, or short long long short. better ideas will follow in subsequent postings... DAS, -.. .- ...
How about .--. .-. .. ..- ... -.-. .... .- - .-.-.- -.-. --- --? ( It may take some practice at first, but I think it's doable. :wink:
Morris Code? Gosh! I remember learning Morris code from my Webelos Troop. Dash Dot Dash Dot, that's 'SOS'!
No, it's Morris. Remember that this site is has tons of cat lovers who all have a strong affinity for Morris the cat, of 9 Lives cat food fame (Who coincidentally, looked like priusham's avatar...).
I think has that one. :-D I think that if Prius owners are going to start recognizing one another by passing Morris Code, we might as well start with the obvious, "I'm a nerd" What's code for "exclimation point"?
Tony, the Morse code for "exclamation point" is D a s h dot Sorry, bad visual pun. Actually, it's -·-·--
Just a short BEEP. Because we've digitally encoded "P-R-I-U-S-C-H-A-T" into one 2-byte octave. :mrgreen:
I always hesitate to honk at other Prii in traffic, I'm afraid I will scare someone. I don't want to do that. I just wave. A lot. And hope they notice.