If you purchased GPS 3-5 years ago you were the envy of your friends but you overpaid. If you purchased a GPS a few years ago you were getting good deals and better features at lower prices; and the past year it has been bargain basement GPS prices with great features. This was to be expected like all electronic purchases. But who would have guessed that satellites that guide our GPS devices would be falling out of space, rendering many of our devices working inconsistently or with severe interruptions. I had just commented to my wife how great it was in today's corporate environment where consumers have to buy everything except the air we breath that we finally benefit from tax paid technology probably aimed at military technology from the 90's that consumers can actually use a few years later such as in 2005+, in the case of GPS units. This is how technology development should work in our society where everyone benefits. Sorry if this sounds socialistic where consumers who pay taxes actually benefit from taxes being paid instead of just Instead of just bowing to corportions and the military. SO.....now the corporations sell us the GPS units just in time for the GPS satellites falling out of the skies. Millions of consumers with GPS hand held/car/bike units rendered ineffective. Who will pay for the new consumer-based satellites that will be required for our GPS toys to work again? Hmmmmm
Actually, civilians have had access to the GPS since the late 90s, and high accuracy access from 2000. So we've had access to it for almost as long as the system has been fully operational ('95). Also, no need to worry about satellites falling/failing. The GPS OCX "modernization" program is looking to augment the existing system by way of new ground stations and modern satellites within the next five years. A number of new satellites have already been launched in the past few years, if I'm not mistaken with more to come. So all is well in the world of GPS.
This is clearly pancakes material b/c of the general nature. In the 3G forum I thought it was going to be about a GPS failing in a new 2010 prius!:lever:
It's a myth in any case. See this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-hybrid-news/62019-gps-really-falling-out-sky.html#post854488
Uh, you might want to take a look at that GAO report. I too posted about it over here: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-hybrid-news/62019-gps-really-falling-out-sky-2.html
Thanks for the info. I have no special knowledge in this area, like you. I'm sure there are problems, but it is also easy for me to believe that the headlines suggesting a widespread failure of the system was imminent were perhaps a tad exaggerated.