For those of you who haven't seen this commercial on TV yet, here is the most recent 2010 Prius commercial. Looks like the commercials are starting to focus on features - this video shows how the Solar Roof ventilation system works. I'm still not really feelilng the artsy-style of these commercials, but they sure are pretty in HD!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite It should show up here, but I don't know how soon: YouTube - ToyotaUSA's Channel
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite They usually have the new commercials up 12-48 hours after first air. And Doug, you're welcome.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite DVRd "Jim" and f-fowarded thru to find it and did. This 30 second commercial actually focused on a feature - the solar roof. Used the same nature-themed format but covered the feature pretty well with nice visuals -and audio, of the venting blower running as it showed the dash and vents. So hopefully they layed a foundation with 1&2, and now the benefits and tech of Prius will be provided. Actually if this was #1 - one would be confused as to the 'people-trees' growing in the background... Must say the format is growing on me. Announcer's voice is soothing too. Nice job....
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite Cool, I'll be watching for it... I hope to see some of the Advanced Tech features to be shown in future ones as well.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite This kinda cracks me up, a new depth of prius geekdom has been exposed. . . instead of FF through the commercials with one's DVR to watch a show our ilk FFs through the show to watch a Prius Commecial!!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite They should put out a rap type commercial like Casualmafia .... "In my Prius .... 17" dubs .... "
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite It WAS like an out of body experience. I typically avoid commercials like Swine Flu, except on Super Bowl days. So watching for a commercial was just...wrong... But really - IMO they did a very nice job. Easy to pick nits, but good start promoting the Prius tech esp solar panel.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I think they nailed it in the 1st commercial ... "You get more power, and more space ...." Key features for the average consumer.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I HATED the first commercial. If you want to limit your audience to green females, this one does it. If you ever expect the prius to be mainstream, you're way off base. This commercial does nothing but "energize the base", to copy a phrase.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I disagree. As a male with 3 non-environmently-friendly vehicles in my garage I am neither a "green female" nor part of the "base," but I still like the commercials. Although I understand what you are trying to say, I think it is appropriate for Toyota to use some sort of a technically-advanced commercial to promote a technically-advanced vehicle. I also think the theme is fine, and I think it is good that Toyota seems to be continuing the theme in a series. Finally, I think the features and MPG of the Prius will be what can make it mainstream--if it's not already. From my observations over the last year or so, the Prius is one of the most common single car models on the road, but that may be a regional thing. If they get more orders for the new ones, though, I may never get mine.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I am part of the base, but disliked the commercials. How confusing. Here's the thing though: I am very glad to own a Prius, even though I think yuppies lack a life, new age is pathetic, and wish I didn't fart so much. How, you might wonder, can I live with identity dissonance? Easy, I give marketing stereotypes the attention they deserve: none. And I repeat as often as needed, I am the base ... I am the base ... I am the base ...
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I liked commercial #3! It's attention getting, and we get a nice close up view of both the Prius and the sunroof. Definitely my favorite so far, keep 'em coming!
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I saw it, more of the same, I don't care for it, just too cutesy. Looking forward to the next theme for Prius ads, YMMV.
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite A few years ago when VW put a vase in the new beetle and ran ads showing people driving around town with a flower in their beetle they inadvertently killed the possibility of any men ever buying a new beetle. That was a shame because I grew up with the beetle and it was very popular inexpensive, practical transportation for anyone. I'm looking at the prius as today's inexpensive (sorta), practical, transportation. I am a male, who doesn't own a prius now, who looks to the prius as practical transportation, and who is secure in my masculinity and I see these ads and seriously wonder if I am about to buy a car that Toyota is deliberately positioning to sell to only women. I spent years in the TV advertising industry and I do not see the point of these ads. Someone tell me please, what is the take away message from these ads and who is the target audience?
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite LOL! OK, I admit it, I did this too. I think I'm slipping down the slippery slope from geek to dork. Strangely appropriate, given these commercials! I have to ask, if you didn't already know there was a new model out, and that it had a solar panel that ran a ventilation fan when it was parked and off, would you know that after watching this commercial?
Re: Prius Commercial #3 Tonite I hope your commercial gets loaded to You Tube soon since I missed it. But while looking, I came across another, more disturbing commercial: [ame=]YouTube - Death to the Carbon Tax[/ame]I hope this one gets pulled: chimpanze with gun at head - 'Started by the people who are trying to scare you to death.' change-up to secure borders - more of their political nonsense. Top Gear shoot-up of Prius - is how it ends, suggesting the best thing to do is to shoot up one. (BBC funded nonsense) There is no helping politicalization as this was committed by the 'honorable competition' but it is sad. It feeds into the worst ignorance and xenophobic fears with a touch of 1960s racism and finishes with the NRA solution. Bob Wilson