We regularly carry two bikes with both wheels on in the back with seat folded down, and a couple times we have made long trips with two bikes with wheels off, one large dog, our luggage for several days, and the last trip on the way back in addition we brought a good size pressure washer and a bunch of tools back, and doggie didn't even complain. What a roomy car this is. 50 mpg that trip too, and we don't really do the hypermiler thing.
I too was shocked at how roomy it is. I had a Honda Accord previously and my big exercise ball would not fit in it. Was convinced it wouldn't fit in the Prius either but to my surprise it fit well in the backseat without even adjusting the seats.
We have a three lane bowling alley in the back of ours. It really helps keep the kids ocupied during long trips.
I got a 46 inch TV in mine. It was hell finding an extension cord to keep the mains power up to it but THAT sure keeps the kids quiet especially when hooked to an Xbox 360!! OK, I'll come clean, the TV was new in the box and I had the back seats folded flat. The guy in the loading dock at the electrical shop laughed and said it wouldn't fit while in the box, I got the last laugh.
Very nice. Can you carry one bike with both wheels off, and the seat up? I need keep a car seat which makes the folding difficult.