I thought I'd try to find someplace to rent a Jetta TDI to get some credible, mph vs MPG data and came across "Tanks Wars." The rules are simple: Log in to Facebook through Facebook Connect Set up your Tank Wars profile While in park, reset your TDI's trip computer Drive at least 15 miles Come to a stop, put your TDI in park and pull up your average MPG for the trip. While in park, take a picture of your instrument panel showing your MPG for the trip. Go to your profile page and enter your MPG, and upload the picture as evidence. Join Tank Wars - VW TDI - VW.com Well, I need to benchmark my 2010 mileage at the minimum, cruise control speed setting, 25 mph. This should take about 40 minutes. <GRINS> Then I'll re-calibrate my NHW11, 2003 mileage as part of my E30/straight gas testing. Bob Wilson ps. Jetta TDI::deadhorse:
Better still, let's ask some of our Japanese friends in the 1,000 mile tank club to post their mileage screen shots (opps, we'll have to translate metric to VW owner units!) Bob Wilson