Ok guys... Just test drove a Fusion hybrid and Wow! I can actually feel the road thru the steering wheel! It was really enjoyable! Drove about 10 miles.. Ran the AC and drove the flow of traffic. From start to stop.. 52.5mpg!!!! Only thing that sucks is you cannot put the seats down for trunk space. Anyone else drive one? I may get a Fusion instead!
52.5mpg is pretty good. I have not seen that kind of number with my '05 Prius driving for 10 miles unless it was all highway. Was that all highway you drove? Explain "flow of traffic". Thanks.
Traffic light every mile or less. 1 mile at 35mph zone rest at 45. Did not hold anyone back behind me at every light. Total 15 lights for 10 miles. Once I got up to 45mph I let go the throttle and it went into EV mode, brought it back up to 47 on electric only and the AC running. All city, no highway. I was amazed! And it was super easy to do and I couldn't get my eyes off the LCD instrument panel!
GreenChris, Was the car warmed up when you drove it? Based on your description, I would probably get 45mpg with my Prius w/o being shouted at by the guy behind me. I am sure to check it out when I am in the market. My wife has the Prius now. She drives short trips (2-3 miles, occasionally 5). I checked the trip computer once in a while. It has been 38-39mpg. She is a very flow-following driver, unlike me. This is in Cali weather with auto-A/C set at 72-74F.
Nope, car was sitting there. I turned it on and then adjusted my seat, mirrors and tried the radio, set AC. Drive it, it amazingly drives very well!!!
I checked out the Fusion Hybrid info weeks ago; never went to a Ford dealer or desire a test drive as: - It looks like a "regular" car - outside and in. - Standard sedan with small trunk and no rear seat fold-down. - Tepid color choices incl interior..blah. - Price would have been about $3K more than the Prius V I want. - 1st gen hybrid - Ford may be in tough shape within a year or two - mounting piles of debt now. But, hand it to Ford for developing what appears to be a nice solid alternative. Good press reviews too. Bet they're working on a bit smaller hatchback version to compete more directly with Honda and Toyota...
you can feel te road? man i am lucky that i do not feel te road .. i love a chill way of relaxed and effortless driving my prius without feeling the road.....
Ford has been building the Escape Hybrid for some time now, so this is not their first generation hybrid.
Good luck to Ford with their Hybrids but I have had a 2 Fords in the past and was so beset with the re-calls I felt like I was renting the trucks instead of owning them. I would also miss the versatility of the Prius and the comfort. It can get you in trouble due to the smooth ride. I have often gone with the flow and found myself "flowing" at 90mph!
I do think that the Fusion is a great option to many people. It is a good deal larger than the prius when it comes to leg room. The trunk is smaller, but still big enough for a couple of suit cases (about 3 suit cases) The Escape hybrids has been known to lasting 300,000 Driven as taxis. So I would expect the Fusion to do the same. The Fusion is a lot quicker too. The Fusion and Prius do top out at the exact same price 31k. something you can get on the fusion that you can't get on the Prius and visa versa. With the fusion you can get the back up camera separate from nav. You also get the blindspot indicator separate from nav (The system works while driving for blindspots in the side mirrors). It also has the sync music "box" (HDD ripped music from cds or mp3s). I don't see many negatives to either car, both make excellent choices. The Ford becomes more reasonable when the Prius is deck out. There are things that the fusion lack like the self-parking and solar sunroof. ( but if you are going to get the top of the line fusion , I would consider getting the Mercury Milan, because it costs the same as the fusion, but you get two tone leather) I personally like that MFD of the Fusion more than the Prius. The Prius without the nav looks real 1980's with the green MFD. while the fusion is very pretty to look at. VS I do think the Prius has a better laid out dashboard though...
We bought a Ford Fusion hybrid for the wife, and we just bought a 2009 Prius Touring for myself. (we both needed new cars, as our old ones were rather long in the tooth). The Ford is a dynamite automobile. My wife LOVES IT, and I must admit, I am quite impressed with the unit as well. It handles well for a larger car, is VERY quiet, good acceleration, and the Microsoft SYNC is a very cool toy. I thought about buying a Fusion hybrid as well, but I've owned a Prius for a number of years now, and I'm very comfortable with them. My 09 Prius is the Touring model with #6 Package, and I could not be happier with it. I prefer a smaller car for my commute, and the hatch comes in handy. We use the Fusion for long week-end trips. I must say, that it is a superior option to the Camry, and I hope Ford does well with them.
It was the base model, the dealer threw in vinyl floor mats along with carpet floor mats, along with a dealer cost for an 7 year, 100,00o warranty. The car comes with a boatload of standard features, and the only real options are leather seats and a on board navigation system. It comes standard with a 6 CD high end audio system with 6 months free SIRIUS radio, Microsoft SYNC, which has bluetooth, etc. So far, my wife is getting 36.5 MPG (and she is not light on the gas pedal ) One it finishes breaking in, I expect her to get 38 to 40 MPG. I've driven the Camry hybrid, and this is a better car.
Glad to hear such a positive review from a FFH test drive. I'm not certain the car to compare to the Fusion is the Prius -- more likely the Camry Hybrid. Still, if you are looking at hybrids, you shouldn't choose without comparing to the Prius. You may want to try the FFH in a driving pattern similar to the one you'd use everyday (and do the same with the Prius, if possible). My '07 Prius lifetime mileage is in my signature below, as is some early FE info on the 2010. Here is just a bit of updated mileage information: Thursday: Drove from west-suburban Chicago to Indianapolis and returned. 440.6 miles RT. 58.8 MPG. I was driving with traffic, so it varied from 45/50 in construction to 65-70+ on I-65. Cruise control and A/C the entire way. Friday: Drove from west-suburban Chicago to SE Wisconsin and then to St. Paul. 414.8 miles One Way. 51.3 MPG. I was driving into a very strong headwind from Whitewater (SE of Madison) all the way to St. Paul. Average speed (from MID) was 54mph -- and that includes all stop time (with the car in Ready) as well as all side streets and ramps and stop-and-go for just a couple of miles around St. Paul. The majority of the time was on cruise control with A/C on Auto and driving 72-75. I really think you need to mistreat the 2010 to go below 50 MPGs. Remember, this is a brand-new car. It also has 17" wheels and 215 low profile performance tires. The other Prius models are supposed to get 3 to 4 MPGs better! Still, the Prius isn't for everybody. If you were excited about the FFH, you liked the way it rode, and you think it is a better fit for you, you'll be doing well. The Fusion is not Ford's first hybrid, and I think they've done a pretty good job with the car. It seems to me Ford is looking at auto production from a long-term perspective, and I hope they succeed!
I test drove the Fusion and actually liked the car. I was surprised how nicely it handled. It didn't feel like I was driving an American car (sad to say, that is a compliment). Several options I felt were a bit gimmicky though, like the beverage holder lights. I gave it high marks. I also test drove the Camry Hybrid however and have to say that I liked the TCH much more than the Fusion. The Camry Hybrid felt like a bigger car, yet handles like a smaller car (if that makes sense to anyone). I'm absolutely ecstatic about my new Camry Hybrid after having driven it for 5,000 miles now. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.
I guess that is why it's a case of "horses for courses". I also drove the Camry hybrid against the Fusion, and I came to a different conclusion. I thought the Fusion was/is a better overall car. Most head to head comparisons also give the nod to the Fusion as well. It comes down to what one prefers.
I've test driven both as well, I like the fusion more. The ambient lighting is gimmicky but made the fusion feel classy. The MFD of the fusion wins hands down over the TCH.
I'm excited to see such favorable reviews for the Fusion. I can add it to my list of other cars friends should consider test driving.