We are current Prius owners 06-07, Test drove a Prius 2010. Our impression was the NAV screen was not as sharp or easy to read as our current screens. Appeared to be at lower resolution.
I have exactly the opposite impression. I find the new system sharper and much more legible than the ones in the 2004 prius or 2007 HyCam. Someone else will have to confirm the actual resolution numbers.
Starting with 2006, the Prius NAV was at higher resolution, but now looking at the 2010, both of us felt the screen wasn't as sharp as our 2006, 2007 screens.
can't compare to the 04/05 cause they're on the Gen 4 system. The Gen 5 (06+) blows away the Gen 4 in screen resolution. I too think that the Gen 6 isn't that big of an improvement in screen resolution or sharpness. It might even be slightly duller than before.
Agreed. The dullness of the NAV screen display looks like a computer monitor screen when you change resolution from 1280 to 800! We both noticed the apparent decrease in screen resolution immediately on the test car we drove - not as sharp and clear as our '06 and '07 screen displays. I am surprised no one else has mentioned this disappointing NAV display change in an otherwise awesome vehicle upgrade.
To me it does look a bit anti-aliased and softened. I was told by a Toyota engineer that they weren't completely happy w/ the scrreen and it was one of the first things on "the list" to consider revising for a mid cycle refresh type thing. Don't hold me (or them) to that though.
Maybe the resolution is the same but the screen is bigger so that results in reduced performance. Same thought as the HDTV trend ... when you stretch the same resolution over a larger space, it looks more grainy ... that's why you practically need HD to make a large screen look nearly as good as a small screen.
I noticed this immediately upon starting up the car, and I included it in my first, brief review one week ago. It was noticeably softer and didn't appear to have the same resolution. Still, after a week it really doesn't appear to be problemmatic. It looks as though the screen is wider -- more of an HD sizing. Perhaps that accounts for the changed look. Regardless, I'd rather have the better software and the nicer features than I higher resolution screen.
I guess it's lucky I don't have a Prius now. I won't notice the lack of resolution compared to a previous model. This is a very disturbing development, since I'm sure early adopters won't be able to get the improved screen when it happens. I do wish I could wait until the fall. Rich N.
Keep in mind Denso makes these units, not Toyota (though probably to Toyota's specs). If I had to guess, I'd say these unit types are now shared between multiple Toyota models as a cost-saving measure, unlike the Gen II which was Prius specific IIRC. Sadly, glare is still a problem only amplified by fingerprints.
Exactly. Why degrade the resolution? Wish someone from Toyota would address and hopefully fix this. NAV screen clarity and sharpness is also important for driving safety in my opinion. The visual should be sharp and easy to read, not dulled.
well, i think its the Nav software which controls rendering by sending less info. the actual display i am pretty sure is either higher res or simply higher quality screen because if you compare the backup camera view, there is no question imm that the 2010 is better. i havent had a chance to check yet (i know some here will scream but Zenn is still main commuter so 2010 sits an average 2-3 days a week) but HTML says night display on backup is improved as well. as far as text, i can see it fine and i pretty much just look at turns and how far off they are and mostly listen to the audio. now i dont have nav on the SPM so i have no comparison
Perhaps it's because of what HTMLSpinnr says (see quote below) Hmm... but the Gen 5 is sharp across the board. The Camry Hybrid's Energy Monitor looks just as good on the Camry as it does on the Prius. So basically we should take a look at the Venza or 2010 Sequoia and see if their screen is the same as the Prius. I've heard that the screen size is 8" but it seems to be the same 7" as before. Could you take a quick measurement and see if it's a 7 or an 8 inch screen? Maybe that might play a role.
There have been reports that this unit is the same as in the Venza and the 2010 Camry. Can someone confirm this and if someone owns a Venza or Camry confirm the resolution quality on their vehicle?