Not a big fan of the look of blue silk screened insert in the new logo. It seems to be just a plastic insert that seems to be fit in the logo rather loosely. Has anyone found out if it can just be removed? If so, what's behind it? I assume it it's just body paint.
I have been thinking the same thing. Probably need to use trim adheasive remover, clean the area, and then reapply the chrome part with new adheasive. If I get brave, I may try it and give a report. Come to think of it, the last time I had body work done, the shop told me that they destroy the emblems when they remove them and that is why they apply new emblems after painting.
I can't stand it either. I drove by a Highlander Hybrid yesterday and I was envious of the nice, tidy, small and discrete logo on the lift-gate. I thought to my self that the worst cast scenario is that I could put a little happy face on top of the attrocious blue-glow Toyo logo... Sigh. Dave
heh. And the mods begin, both big and small. I bet someone will figure out something creative and easy to get rid of the neon blue.
The ones I saw in person didn't really seem to be glued down at all. If you touched them, they seem to move and flex a bit. I think it's just a piece of plastic lurking behind the chrome logo.
I've seen several of the 2010s in various colors. The logo insert is very distracting and, in my opinion, cheapens the look of an otherwise really attractive re-design. The logo does look a little big, but I think without the blue it won't be so noticeable. I'm not big on making modifications to my cars, but this is one I'll definitely make, especially if it is easy or DIY.
I'm planning to get a V Barcelona red - and this huge chrome and blue emblem is SO distracting. I would plan to bring it to an artist with an airbrush - mask off everything but the chrome and airbrush a more pleasant and unobtrusive color - in my case perhaps a burgandy.
Yes, I will be sure to take you up on this the next time I have my car in Florida. Opposied corner of the USA. OK folks, it is your perverbial Good News, Bad News. Which do you want to hear first? The good news is that I went out and learned that the emblems can be jiggled. In other words, they are not glued in place. In fact, they are held in place by clips that can be easily released from behind. Back Hatch, you'll have to remove the inside panel, but front, all you need is a skinny wrist to reach through the hood latch opening or remove the plastic panel around the hood latch by releasing two buttons holding it in place. But the Bad News. No painted body panel under. Just cheap plastic with little bumps all over it. Guess the solution is to get a rattle can and paint the plastic insert. High quality rattle cans can be purchased from They blow the doors off of Duplicolor but are about $22 per can. I have a local paint store that will make me a custom rattle can for $19. Maybe I'll go all out and cut a peice of sheet metal to replace the plastic insert.
The emblem forms the window the radar for the cruise control uses, cover it with metal and I doubt your adaptive cruise will work right, if you have it. Maybe you could paint the black plastic part with good prep or put a painted plastic sheet over it, cut to size. A emblem I'd like on my Prius: -
Thanks so much for checking this out! I'm getting Barcelona Red - the Blue Oval (not Ford>>>Toyota) grossly clashes -see below. Not getting radar, so plan would be to remove the front/back chrome to get at the blue/black insert and have it airbrushed in a more attractive color combo with the red. Cheap customization too. Just wish I could shrink it 1/3.
Hmm... maybe we could figure out how replace the emlem with some LEDS that oscillate in a "Knight Rider" scheme, swooshing back and forth. Perhaps even use the solar panel and a small battery to illuminate them all the time! [/quote]
Just a thought, but there might be something to do about it. A craft store should have a 5mil thick piece of plastic. Cut it, paint it, and reinstall the badge? Also, if you are very handy and have a bit too much money in your pocket, you could purchase a sheet of EL (electroluminescent sheet). It is the same thing they use for the door sills.
Some entreprenuer out here on PriusChat is going to start their own cottage industry mass producing replacement emblem inserts in all the colors that the 2010 comes in....kinda like someone did with the sharkfin antannae. Oops!...did I just blow my shot at becoming rich & famous?
You know, the blue background looks OK to me with Classic Silver (my color) and Blizzard Pearl. But I agree, it looks kind of weird with the other 5 colors; what were they thinking??
Hope Billy Mays doesn't wander into PChat... "But wait - there's more!" Order your emblem color choice today and we'll send you 4 matching 15" alloy center caps!!! Call now.
Here's a question, can you paint the insert that is behind the emblem now? Its already cut to fit. I would just paint it a nice glossy black with a clearcoat and reinstall.
Toyota skins? I can see see it now - Wannabe aristocrats having their initials in an old english font, mac users sporting a , yin/yang, peace signs, flowers, mandalas...wait, now I'm sounding like one of those dancing flower Prius commercials....
I just had an awful thought! What if the emblems are made to accept the speakers for the government mandated noise makers to protect the blind.