What genius at Toyota picked the colors for the 2010 Prius? I think it's safe to say that many, if not the majority, of Prius buyers purchase the car to make a statement. We want to say, "Hey, look at me. I care about the environment." After all, if you just cared about fuel economy, you'd get a much better value for your buck with something like the Honda Fit. The $10,000 you save on the Fit can buy a lot of gas. Anyway, now we come to color. To help make the statement that we sincerely care about the environment, how about some bold, flashy colors, Toyota? Instead, this is what the play-it-safe designers at Toyota have sent us: White- they call it pearl but, let's face it, it's white. To me, white is not a color. It is the absence of color. Black- Henry Ford must have picked this color from the grave. Silver- As the English would say, "Rather common." Battleship gray-Looks like it fell into a mud pile. Red-a subdued burgundy. Big deal. Blue-dark and lifeless Why doesn't a "green" (environmentally friendly) car come in the color green? And not that pale sage green they offer on the 2009 Prius, but a real, true green. Let's have the option of some colors with pizazz! How about orange? I guess you have to buy a Honda Fit to get orange. How about a rich, royal purple? How about pink? Yes, pink. It could be tied to breast cancer awareness with a portion of the sales going to breast cancer. I'm still going to buy a 2010 Prius, but I may have to take it to Maaco to get a color with a little personality. After all, I do want to make a statement to all the self-absorbed SUV drivers!
One thing, Blue is the new Green. Google it. The other thing is Toyota picked a lot of Earth tones for their colors. Ok, no green, but they are appealing to mainstream buyers. Look at colors for the RAV4. The Prius is coming out initially with mainstream, Earth tone, gender neutral colors. This way they will sell more cars. Yes, i would like to see more color options and I bet eventually they will have them, maybe 2011? A Sport appearance package wouldn't hurt either. Put a few NASCAR decals on the side and win over some Good Ole Boys. Me, I'd like to see the Lime Green they use on the new Lamborghini's. :attention: My wife and I are hoping for a Convertible Prius. You know they'd sell a million of them! The top would be tricky but hey, they'd figure it out.
"White- they call it pearl but, let's face it, it's white. To me, white is not a color. It is the absence of color." They call it pearl because it is a pearl coat. I currently have a regular white car and think the Blizzard Pearl is in a whole other league than your typical white vehicle. It looks fantastic in person.
The red is a bright red. Gen II car was available in the more burgundy salsa color, some years. Most people here seem to prefer the salsa. The blizzard pearl is very nice. Otherwise, I agree with OP. The choices for the 2010 camry are much better.
I agree that Toyota could of been a little more daring in the offering of colors. But I'm conservative in that manner anyway. I like the "boring" colors. I know if Toyota had offered some off the wall choices, I might look at them and go "Wow" but as far as ownership? I'd drive off the lot in Gray. That's just me. Also this is just my own opinion, but it bothers me when I hear about how Prius drivers are making the purchase with a concious or subconcious desire to "make a statement". Personally, I'm not purchasing a Prius with any desire to make a statement to anyone. That's how the unfair reputation of universal smugness gets applied to an entire base of automobile owners. I'm only speaking for myself, but purchase of the Prius will include the knowledge that it creates less emissions than a standard automobile, it also will include the knowledge that it gets the best gas mileage possible. But do I have the desire to communicate this to others? Do I feel the "need" to tell my neighbors I care about the enviroment because I own a Prius? No, I believe in personal liberty and choice. I'm buying a Prius because it's the auto I want to own for a wide variety of reasons, including emissions and gas mileage but certainly not limited to only those reasons. I just don't like the concept placed on "us" from the outside that Prius drivers WANT to make a statement. Ultimately The Prius is an automobile, nothing more, nothing less. I think it offers a great advantage of hybrid design and the advantages of hybrid design are worth it to me personally. As far as personal reasons for ownership that's about the whole picture. I'm NOT buying because I want to make a ecological, social, or political statement. I think it's unfair to apply that stereotype to Prius owners and drivers. Some of us just think it's the best machine available commercially at this time. Personally I think you should be buying the Prius because it's the automobile you want NOT so it can be a preaching tool. Not something to illuminate self concieved opinions. But again that's just me.
I was shocked by the "Most Popular Car Colors" posted on MSN.com last week. In order as I recall, they were White, Black, Silver, Gray, Blue, Red. If this is the case, I guess Toyota Nailed it, but I had to settle for the blue. Not that I don't love the color, but I bet I will be washing it alot more than my previous Silver Pine Mica.
Yep, the 10 top colors from 2008, and the Prius comes in the Top Seven... Guess they did do their homework. ---------------------------- 2008 DuPont Automotive Color Popularity Report Percentages represent the color's share. No. 1 — White/White Pearl RankColor% 1.White/White Pearl26% 2.Black16% 3.Silver14% 4.Red13% 5.Gray12% 6.Blue11% 7.Beige/Brown4% 8.Green2% 9.Yellow/Gold1% 10.Other1%
A solution - have the car repainted! I expect to see lots of businesses with specially painted 2010's! btw, still waiting to see the first 2010 out there, on the road .... Come on Bay Area
Dark and lifeless ... yeah , right I believe Blue Ribbon is same as Spectra Blue Mica They could add a rare color like Silver Pine Mica.
Kips, really? "Just" white? Most whites don't have a sheen or metal flecking. That being said, I'd have loved a Matador Red or one of the Lexus forest or olive greens as well. Even a lighter blue would have been nice.
I totally agree with the OP. Looks to me like Toyota chose their colors from a box of 8 crayons. Someone send them a box of 64. They'll be amazed.
As I am Keeping My Silver Pine Mica ( Hardly Ever Needs A Wash ) And My Other Half is getting the new Barcelona Red, I am Happy. I will be getting the Plug In When Available and Hopefully The Color Choices will be More Inviting!
Maybe many people feel that way, and if so that's a shame. No different than SUV drivers buying SUV's because they think it makes them look cool. I bought the car because I appreciate the technology and the practical layout. It appeals to me that I'm getting something back from the otherwise wasted brake heat and time idling in traffic. I don't judge or make assumptions about people based on what they drive. Isn't making assumptions about a larger group based on a small sample or anecdotal evidence the exact same thing as being racist or sexist? I suspect I'm not the only one that feels this way. And oh yeah, the more colors the merrier IMO.
Hey Rick , I'm still trying to figure out just what on the 2010 that camera shot shows? What are the twin stalks sticking up at the top of the picture?
what happened to sandy beach? that's a pretty bling-bling color... i was gonna get that if the white wasn't pearly, but i'm so in love w/ blizzard pearl now...
It's going to be harder and harder to change those numbers if manufacturers only offer those 7. We can't buy what's not offered. Not saying they are wrong - I'm sure A LOT of research and thought went into the choices - but they can be a little misleading perhaps. If all manufacturers follow suit, it will sort of be a circular loop. They think we want black and only give us black -> we buy it as the only choice -> they think they are right and offer more black.