So being the good son that I am I drove up to Greenville (about 100 miles) yesterday to surprise my mom for Mother's Day. On the way home I'm crusing along at around 76 or so when I see a blur coming up in my review mirror. I have only a moment to check as a Seaside Prius comes flying past me doing at least 95, passing lots of people who I'm sure were saying to themselves "Ain't that one o' dem electic cars? How'd it go so dern fast?" or some other phrase in a Southern accent (I love my part of the country, I really do). Eventually we all hit traffic and the Prius slowed down to the speed of the flow of traffic and we all got in a line and zoomed on. I ended up following the Prius for about 50 miles or so all the way back into Columbia. I always get a kick out of the guys on my Spyderchat site that always debate about what the fastest color is. Well, my opinion as of today is that Seaside's gotta be the fastest - that thing was booking and I definitely noticed when it had better pick up on the interstate than my MR2 to keep pace with traffic. So... the question is: What do you think is the fastest color?
Sometimes I want to find an 'open track' day at some speedway, to see what my car will do. Not sure how sticky a track would be, for testing MPGS at higher MPHs, but I'm not interested in losing my license to find out what 95 in a prius feels like on a regular road...
Mine is seaside at rest, but due to the speed at which I am receding ahead of other drivers, causing a red shift, it becomes Salsa on the road.
I think you're all wrong. BLACK is the fastest color. And the coolest. Sorry Danny. And the Southern accent here still cracks me up since I'm from the midwest... "Hey ain't that one of dem der hy-burds?" I get toothless smiles and people pointing out the window of their beat up pick up trucks. Friendly... but strange nonetheless. I'm not kidding.
ummm if you dont already know... the Tidelands is soooo fast, it wiped that green color right off the car!! they are now grey...
I drove my silver prius in Germany a couple of weeks ago. Some of you may have heard that german highways have no speed limit. Actually, not all of them and not everywhere, but I did go through areas where "average" speed for practically all cars was between 140 and 150 Km/h (87 and 93 mph). I kept my prii at around 145 (90 mph) and sometimes I even took the fast lane and got to 155 Km/h (96 mph). The car felt just great and confortable at those speeds, and I was surprised to see that I averaged 5.3 l per 100 Km (44.38 mpg) by the end of the trip (about 550 Km / 340 miles). Of course, a part of my trip was in Switzerland, where I never go faster than 120 Km/h (about 75 mph) and I had to go slow for some long parts of the way because of works on the highway. Before entering the no-limit zone, I was averaging 4.3 l per 100 km (54.7 mpg). We were 2 adults and had the AC on. So I guess we can call this color... hummmm.... Silver Bullet???
105 I 10 East from Santa Monica, that's what the speedo said! I thought the Prius was limited to 104? Apparently that is not right, so what is the top speed of a Prius?