Thought I would share: I've been in intense negotiations with the internet sales person at the local Toyota for a 2009, thinking they might want to make a deal based on the fact that they've got numerous 09's sitting unsold on the lot. I sent the salesperson some information that I thought backed up my case to buy a base model for $21,000 out the door with cruise control. He called me back with a 'final offer' of $22,999.99 plus TT@L, which was just the latest in a long line of adding numbers in imaginative ways to get him into the $23,000's. At any rate, he had the gall to say to me.."just get in here and let's get this deal done. You're over thinking this." Now I'm trying not to take that comment personally, but you know, that just sounds too patronizing for my taste. Not only did I not take that 'deal', I'm not sure I'll even wind up buying a car from them period. Although they are the only game in town, I'm thinking of taking my business to NM since I'm pretty close to the border and I believe NM is one of those states that don't charge sales tax on hybrid cars. Aaarggghhh!
Watch out on that one. I know in many states, if you buy an out-of-state car, they will get your sales tax (or equivalent) when you try to register it in-state. Make sure you know the fees the Texas DMV will assess. But yes, that price is a total rip. -->Adam
My Ebay purchase: Work out financing. Find car at price you are willing to pay. Ask if they can put temporary tags on it so you can drive it home. Find cost to fly (I prefer SouthWest). Put down deposit and complete deal. Bob Wilson
I'd be inclined to shop elsewhere too, but without knowing the options/MSRP of the model you're negotiating on, it's impossible for us to know if $21K is realistic or the $23K. Best of luck whatever you decide.
Ah, good old Lubbock. Good luck getting any kind of deal there. If I remember correctly there is one of everything...Toyota, mall, Target, Logan's, Best Buy...of course there are 2 Walmarts. You will have to pay sales tax when you register it in TX. There is no way getting around it. Maybe try Abilene and Dallas and see what they can do for you?
Internet sales. Okay, he's figured out you want the car. Now, convince him otherwise. Politely thank them for their time, let them know you found a better deal elsewhere (low mileage used from Enterprise Rent-A-Car, private sale, another dealership in NM, whatever lie you want to tell) that is significantly less, and you are going over there to buy in two hours when you get off work. If you are comparing to used-to-new in your lie, let them know you would rather buy new, but it ain't worth the premium they are charging. Tell them you MIGHT reconsider if they give you your price before said time (maybe). If you were smart enough to use a mailexpire e-mail address, let them know that it will be cut off once the deal is done. If they meet your price, go over there, but if they screw with you in any way, leave. No new hidden fees. No $2000 extended warranty. No addons you didn't ask for. Don't hesitate if they screw with you - grab your cell, pretend you are calling the other seller, and walk out the door. If you want to add drama, have a friend call you on your cell and pretend to negotiate. I love mailexpire. -->Adam
You may be taking this entire negotiation a bit too . . personally. If they won't do the deal, they won't do the deal. That doesn't mean someone else won't, or that they won't change their minds given different circumstances. The fact is they know they have more options than you, and they will wait out their eventual buyer(s). Is it smart for them to act this way? It doesn't sound like it to me, but I don't know their position. I think you will do yourself great service by listening to some of the previous poster's suggestions and look to other dealers in Texas. (If you go out of state, you may or may not find a better deal, but you'll have to pay sales taxes -- Texas's, most likely, at registration, and the selling state's unless they have some other way of doing business.) Remember that you don't HAVE to buy. You are CHOOSING to buy, and the dealer is CHOOSING to sell. If the two sides don't reach the same price, it is not a personal battle lost, but a business transaction that just won't work. Either one or both sides need to give some more, or the two sides simply agree the deal won't happen. Part amicably and come back in a week or two to see if they are willing to do the deal then. All the best to you in your venture!
Perhaps they are nuts, but they are hoping to find someone equally nutty who thinks that price is just fine! I would bet there's another dealer within 50 miles who is ready, willing and able to sell the same car at MSRP.
I don't know about that Sandy. That sounds like being the wounded Gazelle on the African Tundra and then requesting the presence of a couple more hungry lions. I'm for investigating your options. Checking with other dealers can not hurt.
I do think you're right about taking it personally. I am trying to remind myself that "it's just business". I think the part that got my hackles up was him saying that I'm over thinking it. I probably am over thinking it but as far as that goes I think I'm entitled to think long and hard about it. After all, it's my money. But you're absolutely right that it's my perogative to buy and his to sell. I probably will send an amicable email thanking him for his time, etc, etc. But I do appreciate all of the feedback from you kind folks!
Check out this page on Edmunds.Com to see what the dealer invoice is and what typical buyers are paying. You may be asking for more than the dealer can realistically affford. 2009 Toyota Prius optional equipment at Edmunds Good luck
You've never been to Lubbock, have you? I just bought a left over (11 miles on it) '09 Touring package 6 for $25.9k plus TTL. Navigation, leather, floor mats, HIDs, all that stuff. They also charged a $75 paperwork fee. $23k for a base model is nuts. Let them keep it and call the dealers in Amarillo.
i agree with SANDY. if you really wanna stick this person, go to the SAME DEALER and ask for a DIFFERENT SALESPERSON. i dont think it will stick, but you'll see his feathers really ruffled! but his high pressure tactics suck. at the same time, shop and shop around. make sure you know your options. dont have all your eggs in one basket. \ goodluck.
Please don't get the wrong impression from me: I think his statement to you not only is offensive, it is the farthest thing from good sales talk he possibly could offer. I would not talk with that salesperson again. If you go back to that dealer, call the sales manager and ask for a sales rep who really knows and likes the Prius -- and say "I'd prefer not to deal with _____, because his approach to selling me the car was offensive." If the sales manager says, "I'm sorry. I know the deal you were asking for, and I have to tell you that our dealership simply cannot sell you a Prius at that price." well, then, you've found out there position from someone who will speak rationally. At that point, I would offer him thanks and let him know you'll be in the market should things ever change. Then focus on other dealers. :fear: You got me!!! It sounds like a few other locales I've frequented, though. Thanks for the response!
His language is inexcusable. But, going to the same dealer and asking for a different salesperson won't work. The reason? The first guy has "protection". In other words, he will still get credit for half the deal and half the commission. Only now, he doesn't have to work for it anymore. What package 09 were you trying to buy? I'll tell you if the dealer can do that pricing or not. I just need to know what rebates are in effect in your area.
Jabber, Not being familiar with 'Prius speak', I can't tell you what package other than to say I just wanted the cheapest, base Prius with cruise control. My final offer to him was $21,000 out the door. He just kept throwing numbers out at me that ultimately totaled $23,000 +. I just felt like he thought I was stupid and then giving me this, "get in here today and let's just get this done 'cause you're over thinking it!". That just chapped my hide. I've had my fill of being told what to do and I'm not about to be told by this guy when I can stop thinking. Thanks. I'll stop thinking when I'm good and ready!!! Maybe he can't sell it to me at that price but we can keep it civil!!
If it is just a package #1 (or HZ), invoice on that car 23k. Were you paying cash (and taking a rebate), or do you have 0% in your area?