After reading on this forum, I elected to keep a running total of my mileage. That has been working fine over many tanks. I recently filled up with gas & several miles later I noticed the screen elected to start over all on its own ???? I wiped out thousands of miles of hx & reset itself appx 3-4 times. ?? I did not reset anything. Has anyone else had this happen to them & what would you suspect as the cause? I'm thinking about taking it to the dealer if something is amiss. Thanks, Clint
I suspect what you observed is the fact that the 'miles driven' part of the consumption screen will automatically reset itself to zero if you put more than a certain amount of gas in the tank. Did you notice the avg. MPG reset also, or just see the miles reset and presume that both had reset? Even if the miles reset for a fillup the avg. MPG isn't supposed to reset on anything but a press of the 'RESET' button
Walterm - if Clint has gone thousands of miles, I assume he's filled up a few times already, and should have noticed that the miles driven part resets, while the MPG remains constant. Clint - you're sure you didn't accidentally hit the reset button? It doesn't take much to do it, and there's no prompt to make sure you're sure. That said, I have read a couple similar reports, they seem to involve a short drive on a full tank of gas and going from a cold place to a hot place (one lady drove from her garage to an ice cream store and parked it in the sun, as I recall). I always write down the mileage and keep it in separate records, partly because that's my habit (I'm also a nerd) and partly because I figured it would get reset eventually. One time my wife was demonstrating the features of the MFD to some people in the back seat and accidentally wiped out the report. So I haven't seen it happen myself. I don't know if there's an upper size limit (perhaps measured in km) to what it can store?
Nope, did NOT touch the screen. Funny thing is, it didn't just do it once. I reset the miles, mpg, etc about 3-4 times before it settled down. I have gone several thousand miles & several tanks & realize it resets the miles but it has never completely reset itself like it did. ?? I'm at a loss. Seems to be working fine, but I didn't want to lose the history. Oh well, I guess I started over.
The Avg MPG resets automatically along with the miles in my 2004. I can tell since the Avg fluctuates wildly until I put some miles on it. What year did it change? 06?
I have just had the average MPG display on my 2009 Prius reset for the second time in 8K miles without my pressing the reset tab on the display screen. I was driving the interstate and monitoring the display when it went back. It was at 52.3 or so for the past several weeks. All of a sudden, it went to 32.6, then jumped to 72.4 and resettled back to the 45.1 figure. The manual reset tab on the display was not pressed, nor was the display screen touched at all. I know the miles resets to "0" when the tank is filled. The shop people at the dealer where I purchased the car in February informed me that they were not aware of other complaints of this happening. They suggested that the next time I come in for service they hook up the computer to see if a code shows up. Does anyone have any additional input as to what may have caused the uncommanded reset?
Ok. It has happened again!!!! This time I was driving through Wichita, KS during rush hour traffic. I was busy fighting my way through and when I glanced at my screen I noticed it had reset itself again. I again lost a few thousand miles of history. I would really like to figure out what is the cause & now suspecting either the screen is faulty or there is an electrical problem. If you reset your trip odometer, is that supposed to erase the history? It seems maybe that has happened also looking back in retrospect. Anyway, I know I had several thousand miles that cleared out & started again while I was driving. I never touched a thing, just fighting the traffic. I am thinking of taking it to the dealer. Not that it is critical, but if there is an electrical problem, I don't need trouble down the road & would like to get it corrected now. Any help greatly appreciated.
Will do. Just frustrating to buy 2008 vehicle & needs diagnostics/repairs already. Hour to dealer, hour back, have to take off work, find a friend with vehicle & time off work. Wait a couple days & repeat. Neat, huh? It's also been my observation that once you start having problems with a vehicle, expecially electrical, they only get worse, not better. Not feeling too proud right now.
You aren't kidding. You have to figure on getting the whole day off at least if something goes wrong with the car.
Taking my car to the dealer next week & will post the outcome. No Christian music out of my radio .... yet.
I took the car to the dealer this week, explained what happened & the last time it reset itself I was driving through Wichita, KS rush hour traffic & at some point reset the miles & MPG average on its own. I asked them to hook it to a computer or anything else needed to diagnose the problem They took it for a test drive & checked everything out. They were unable to detect or locate any problems. It did not malfunction while they were driving it & that everything seems to be working as it shoule. While I was there I did have them replace the cabin & air filters. So I don't know any more than when I took it in except it costs appx $77 for filter changes. I'll drive it & not worry about it I guess. I was
Mines seems to do this also about every 6100 miles or so. My Mercedes also resets itself after 5000 miles. Maybe there is a storage limit. I use an app on my Blackberry that tracks everything. It's called MileageMeter. Give's me stats simular to this: