1. Do the voice controls that worked with the gen 2 also work with the gen 3. I've downloaded the owner's manual but it doesn't indicate that you can control the navigation, audio and climate the same as you could in the previous models. 2. For some reason I think I saw a photo of the trunk area showing a car cover in the 2010. Can anyone tell me if the 2010 comes with a car cover. Thanks for your input - my car is coming in 2 weeks (according to my dealer) Aloha, Gary
Pics of a 2010 with a car cover in the back were most likely pics taken after the cover was removed at a unveiling of the new car. Car cover not included.
1. no idea 2. Is this what you mean (this is a 2010)? I know it's standard on a IV, maybe all models.
Wow the 2009 Prius II came with a rear cover like that. I would hope they would include it in the new model. Perhaps with the 2010's everything will be ala carte'?
Different things. The OP was talking about a car cover. The item in the photo is an internal cover for only the hatch area. Tom
No Gary is referring to a picture that I also saw here, and I think that it may have been on a Canadian unveiling event of some sort. The picture was a close up showing the size of the trunk, and in the middle of the trunk was a new, still wrapped car cover, with a part number listed on the sticker. At that time, I asked if this was included with the cars, and the answer from someone (Prius Team maybe?) was that no it was not included.
I think that the "Cargo Cover" you mention is called the "Tonneau Cover" by Toyota. Yes, I believe that he is referring to the Car Cover (as in to cover the car when being stored for period of time), and the answer is No, it does not come with the car as a standard feature. I am sure your dealer would be happy to order you one through their parts department.
1. Most of the commands seem to work from the 2004, though the verbiage is a bit different. I "love" how it comes back with "what?" or "I'm sorry, I didn't understand" or something polite of that nature when you say something it doesn't understand. In the 2004, you'd get mad, say "screw you", and it'd show government building POI's vs. simply stating your command wasn't recognized. Overall, voice is MUCH improved for 2010. Follow-up commands can be auto-recognized OR require a button press (I prefer the former, it's much more natural and interactive. I did have to turn off the initial voice guidance as it was FAR too time consuming ("Please say a command such as 'x', 'y', 'z', or help, etc.").
Gary, You will find the Navigation System Owner's Manual has the answer to question #1. I've used Voice Recognition for Phone and Navigation commands. The Navigation commands work even when the car is in motion. Screen entry is disabled when the car is in motion - very inconvenient at times. I bought my car cover from my Toyota Dealer Parts Department for $112. I like it but you need to be pretty tall to get the cover over the antenna without ripping the cover or bending the antenna too much. I hope this helps....
Do you have some pictures, of the cover on, and off (rolled up)? Does it roll, or stuff into a bag? Is the bag included? Is the cover (and bag) "waterproof"?