I bought a BT tech stiffening plate from a PC member, but it does not have the 4 allen headed stainless steel attaching bolts. Can anyone tell me of another source for them and know the size, thread and overall length of them? I've heard the tragic news that Brain from BT Tech died May 9th, so I'm not sure if the business will continue.
Well its 4 METRIC Hex Socket Screws. Stainless M8 X 25mm It takes a 6MM hex drive socket to install, here are the specs of the screws I would use... $8.04 per Pack of 25 Head Style - Standard Standard Head Style - Standard Material Type Stainless Steel Finish Plain - Class Not Rated Stainless Steel Type - 18-8 Stainless Steel Drive Style - Hex Socket Metric Thread Size - M8 Metric Thread Pitch - 1.25 mm Length - 25 mm Thread Length - Fully Threaded Thread Direction - Right Handed Tip Type - Plain Self-Locking Method - None Screw Quantity - Individual Screw Hex Size - 6 mm Head Diameter - 13 mm Head Height - 8 mm Rockwell Hardness - Not Rated Minimum Tensile Strength - 101,000 psi Thread Fit - Class 6g Specifications Met - Deutsche Industrie Normen (DIN) DIN Specification - DIN 912-A2 You can buy them here... McMaster-Carr or print out the specs and run to a Hardware store that sells Metric Hex Socket Screws. Just be sure you buy the STAINLESS ones. The key numbers are "M8" & "25 mm" length. The price you pay at the store may how ever, may make buying the 25/bag at McMaster Carr a better deal. You could sell the extras to other chatters perhaps!
Don't waste your time on a stiffening plate! A simple bolt on piece of aluminum isn't going to do anything for the handling. Stop giving BT Tech money for nothing!
That's interesting, because it's not what you said before: So which time were you lying? And for the record, I have the plate and have been pleasantly surprised by the degree of improvement it has made in my car's handling. I expected less.
And of course, you also put on the record that your observation is as good as a double blind test and instrumented measurement, right? Right?
Begone, Troll! EDIT: By the way, for those who are wondering, the following is what Dobey posted with respect to my consideration of rear stiffening plate to address highway instability in winds. Then he spent much of the rest of the thread arguing that body rigidity will have no effect on tracking in crosswinds and that folks like myself were just fooling ourselves into believing there was a difference. :crazy: Go figure. Self-consistency isn't his strong point. In the thread quoted there are quite a few who observed improved handling with the rear plate. As with any other mod, YMMV. He does seem to have it in for the BT products though...same as mameyer. Interestingly, mameyer contradicted himself in exactly the same way. You just can't make this stuff up folks. ound: