OK. I'm one! I really never associated the word "shudder" with the ICE on/off in my '07 Prius. The only very noticeable vibration would come infrequently when the car was still cold, but I'd be sitting at a stop light and the ICE would feel as though it "wanted" to turn off. Eventually, it would, and it would be jarring. This was very infrequent, and I believe it happened because the ICE was cold. I never experienced a "shudder" during acceleration or deceleration as the ICE turned on or off. I could tell it happened mainly because of familiarity with the car. There are plenty of people who think they are driving all-electric because they can't hear or feel the ICE. The 2010 seems to be even more seamless. I just can't tell, at times, when the ICE is on/off. I have to get more accustomed to the gauges and get away from my built-in assumptions based on the Gen2. I still assume 42mph is the cutoff point for spinning the ICE, but I really don't yet know if that is a fact. I haven't used the three driving mode buttons very much. The EV only three times for a minute at a time. The ECO twice -- only once for an extended period (say 10 minutes). The PWR once -- what a ride! The regular mode really feels seamless in ICE on/off. The ECO may be more noticeable, but I don't yet have the experience to tell. The PWR mode? Who cares? All you feel is acceleration!! Horn? I haven't even looked for it yet. I'm not much for horns. I remember using mine in the '07 twice. Once when I was dangerously cut off by someone who didn't even look before turning into me and another time by a guy who DID hit me -- and then kept going with his foot fully depressing his accelerator. I'll try to test it out, but I don't expect it would be any different than the Gen2.
Two questions for a very lucky '10 owner: no gloating.... Thanks for the info - for all us unlucky ones. So far.
Horn is the same "Road Runner" type horn as before. In another thread, there are aftermarket TRD or JDM spec horns which sound MUCH nicer.
Thanks Rick. That will be one of my first DIY upgrades. Don't want a Buick toot, and not a Beetle beep.
i agree in that its much harder to "feel" the ICE running. better sound insulation also makes the engine noise much quieter and the idle seems smoother. its not as easy to tell when its on and off
That's a huge improvement over the 04/05. My 05 shuddered violently when it was new (and when it was cold after the engine's broken in). Violently as in it would shake you in your chair. Thank goodness they've smoothed it out quickly in the newer models.
A friend of my mentioned that she riding as passenger in a G2 Prius and felt the car surging as they drove down the highway. She said it was very noticeable and drove her nuts. Was this caused by driver behavior? I hope that whatever caused it has been smoothed out in the G3. It's a bit unnerving to be buying a car that one has yet to test drive.
I have noticed with a cold engine I am limited to 9 or 10 MPH. After the engine is warmed up I can get to 25 MPH. The only time I really feel I need to use EV mode is to move my car a short distance, such as out of my garage or to a different parking spot when the engine is cold and normally would start at slow speeds.
Fully warmed up after driving, I was able to switch to EV mode while driving at 15mph, come to a complete stop, then go half way around the block until I got to 25mph where "EV" kicked out. Despite EV kicking out, the ICE did not start because it was not needed. I captured this on video and will post to YouTube once I edit later on.
I have had the same experience. We picked up my father to give him a test drive and drove a 2 mile loop around his neighborhood. I pulled over put in ev mode and the ice did not kick in until 25 mph.
As promised, YouTube video: In my case, going down hill, EV was cut out by speed, but the ICE did not cycle as I wasn't crossing the "EV" line on the Hybrid System Indicator and battery state of charge was high enough.
anyone figure out how to start in EV mode without running the engine... or do we have to install another 3rd party EV switch?
HTMLSpinner, we're really getting to know your whole life, what with all the pics and videos of your new car, your old cars, your family, now your neighbourhood... Cheers - I just wanted to say thanks for all the stuff you do here on PriusChat! Dave
Interesting, I had watched your video before and obviously I have been in Prii. Either your car, or your tire road noise.. (or just the camera).. makes it sound like a train in full regenerative brake mode while driving forward!
Funny, I thought I cut out all of the regen! The camera tripod was sitting center of the back seat (seat belted) w/ the armrest propped under to prevent the whole thing from falling backward. Sadly, this introduced quite a bit of additional noise. That being said, regen is a different sound in this version due to the reduction gearing of MG2 (but also makes it possible at lower speeds).