There is a small (approx 1inch X 1inch) access panel that contains a single screw. The panel is located right next to the little toe on my left foot if I am resting my foot on the foot rest (in the 2005 Prius). This panel used to have a small cover on it, which has since dissapeared. Is there a way to order a new one? Anyone have any pointers? I'd rather not deal with taking it to the dealership (over an hour away), so I'd rather order it online... Jeremy
Mine doesn't have a cover there either. I don't think there's supposed to be one. Someone asked a similar question about a month ago and apparently no one's Prius has a cover for that.
Huh.. Really thought there was one. Certainly looks like there should be (little holes for the cover clips). Oh well, thanks for letting me know!
Yes, I agree. It looks like there should be one there. If you look at the passenger's kick panel, it's "missing" one, too.