Im a guy. 38. again male. I kinda like blizzard pearl. Im afraid my friends will laugh at my color choice of blizzard pearl. I dont know. am I the only guy with this concern. :fear:
what makes you think it's a chic color?? I'm a guy and I don't see that color as a chic color. I would buy that car with the color. I almost got a ford fusion almost exactly same color as blizzard pearl but then I saw the prius and fell in love with it!
It's no more a chick color than White would be. It's just a much better looking white than most. Chick colors are like pastel colors or pink.
I can't imagine a prius with pink color...... bleh! hmm....I wonder if there ever a prius with pink color??
No way, dude! real men eat quiche and drive Blizzard Pearl. If it was a chic car it would be named Carnation Pearl. Blizzards are kind of macho! Lee
When I lived overseas and I bought my Honda Jazz (same as Fit here) in 2005 it came in Rose mteallic, so it was a pink metallic car! Thankfully I got one in silver. But if they sold that color here people would buy them. The Prius might actually look good in that color but I wouldn't want it. My wife OTOH would LOVE it!
This is not a girly color at all. Dude, I would buy this, and I'm a man! 3rd Generation Toyota Prius ? 2010 Pictures and Photo Gallery Here is an example of a girly color...
LOL!!! :rofl: It's a Mary Kay car! I've seen more than a few around here but not on a Prius before. ound:
wow. pink. hurts my eyes. ok im gonna order blizzard white. will report if my male friends laugh at me.
I was wondering the same thing about Blizzard White being a feminine color. I'm a 48 yo male, wife, kids, dogs, who cares, I ordered one anyway. Have seen the Highlanders in the color and liked it. It arrived 2 weeks early and picked it up last night. Prius IV Blizzard White, dark grey int, no other options. Very nice. I love it, so far. I have alot to learn. My wife now wants to sell her 08 Highlander Hybrid and get a Gen III.
I don't think Blizzard Pearl is a chic colour, I think it's classy. But then again I'm a "chic" so what do I know? Now the Rose Metallic that Steve Cebu mentioned is offered on the Honda Jazz... THAT is a chick colour. I'd like to see it on a Prius!
Thanks, Rose metallic is actually a pretty cool color for feminine types, like my wife. It actually would look good on a Prius, but no man, even one who is secure in his masculinity would want to drive one in that color! Seriously it's far more feminine in real life than in pics. Other colors like Blizzard Pearl, Blue ribbon, Barcelona Red, Grey, Beige are all gender neutral colors. Most work trucks are pure white as are many work vans. The others are just as generic IMO.
Of course it's a chic color. If you need proof, Dollar Tree sells a cheap lipstick by the same name. Very popular with the Goth crowd. Nah, just kidding. Hey, you're an adult, quit bowing down to peer pressure. Get whatever color you want and feel the most comfortable with on all levels. Honestly I find Toyotas color choices so conservative that I don't think you can attach a gender bias to any of them. We are talking white here, Pearly yes, But white none the less. Hey, my own avatar, The Mach 5 was white. Not that stating that fact would gain you any manly cred BUT Speed and Trixie were quite the item. You can always add a bumper sticker proclaiming support for kick boxing, monster truck rallies or Hooters if you are really insecure. When gas get's to be $4.00 a gallon you can be all intouch with your feminine side, while your manly friends pump all the manly gas they can afford into their Black, Red and Gray S.U.V.'s. Who'll be laughing then? Just try not to make it too high pitched or shrill.
This thread reminds me of an earlier thread about the Gen II Prius: Get the color you want. Side Note: Besides being a fantastic color on its own, getting a Blizzard Pearl enables you to get the Misty Gray interior which, IMO, is infinitely better looking than either the Dark Gray or Bisque interior (this is entirely due to the two-tone treatment in the Misty Gray).
It's a Prius - so any color by definition is a chick color. So, no matter what color you get, you'll get made fun of for driving a gay or chick car. Men that own Priuses need to have a degree of self-confidence. If you don't - buy a Ford F150. Granted, if gas goes above $4 a gallon - the gay car cracks dry up. But then you get to experience the pleasure of getting run off the road by rednecks in Trucks and SUV's.
If your male mates laugh at your car and say it's a chicks colour, smack em around the head with your handbag!!! I love Blizzard Pearl and if I buy a new Prius it will be my colour of choice!! My Camry was white, my Fiat(chick car but fun, although unreliable) was white and my 69 Ford Falcon was white and my first ever Toyota Crown, a 1966 example was white.