Taking a corner this morning, the curb jumped out and hit my tire. Ripped it, pop and dead flat. Currently have the donut spare on. Carmine is a 2008 Prius, with the OEM tires. They have 6000 miles on them. Do I buy ONE tire or 4? Darn that curb!
Since they are so new, if you want to stay with the OEM tires, I would just buy one. However, if you want to upgrade to better tires you have a good start on them with the price of the one tire applied to the upgrade ones. I upgraded mine to Michlen Hydroedge at 13,000 miles and have four perfectly good originals sitting in my shed, but you are a long way from Oklahoma.
Something like this happened when I had 15K on my '07 Touring. I wound up buying one tire from the dealer and glad I did. Right now I have 46K on the original tires and think they will last to 53K. Check the alignment when you replace the tire as the curb-job would have done a number on the settings Lee
Ditto the above. If you're cheap :_> but keen on getting a different type of tire you could also buy just two new ones (in that case, no matter where the dead one is, move things if needed so that the new pair are at the rear). !! "Carmine" is the perfect name!!
If you are replacing fewer than four tires, it is always best to match the exact make/model tire that you have on the vehicle.
Have my appt. tomorrow morning at 9 AM. Had to call 5 Goodyear places - kept being told that tire has been discontinued! But I found ONE, and all I need is ONE.
Just had a new tire put on today. Falken Sincera. Awesome tires. Out the door price was a hair over $100. Bought it from Discount Tire, so have lifetime free replacement, although I already had one before today and it has been the best tire I've bought.
I recently did this on a different car.....'97 Honda Prelude, which had 5-6K miles on the set of tires, blew one, and ordered a single replacement. That set should last 40K miles.