Does anyone have a picture of the 2010 Prius window sticker from a Level V with Navigation. I would like to see it.
Here's one. (I'll post the real sticker this afternoon) The South Florida prices are: MSRP $27,270 Navi 1,800 Mats 229 Delivery 775 Total $30,074 Dealer fee ($600) waived; add sales tax and license fees. Good Luck
Thanks Vincent, I saw one finally today in Wellington. They had multiple "rip you off" fees.:hurt: JRS
Mine has an addendum sticker for an additional $995 of stuff like a hand wax job and some other dubious items. I had the dealer waive them. Oh and I am in SET territory.
Actually, a Pruis 5 with nav comes in at $29,820. $30,019 with floor mats. Prius 5: 27270 Destination: 750 Nav: 1800 Floor Mats: 199
Your right smarty pants. It looked like the sticker read $29,944. But really for almost the same price of a Prius 5 similarly equipped, how could this dealer sell cars which such high markups ?
My dealer had mine laminated and sitting on the back seat. Photo here of my Prius IV w/ Solar sticker.
Rick and all, I find it interesting all of your additional add on's, such as the rear bumper and cargo net, etc. are double the price on my window sticker in my local area. They rip us off one way or another.
If you look closely at the addendum posted on the rght side of the Official Sticker is an add-on called "ADM", and it adds $2,995.00 to the cost of the vehicle. ADM literally stands for "Additional Dealer Markup", and it means that these dealers are trying to eke out a total profit of $6000 from the sale of each Prius! I hope that not too many people fall for this horrible ploy. I would love it if Toyota USA came out against this sort of pricing strategy, as it gives the brand a black eye to a consumer not knowing that it is only one bad dealer (or region?).
I had a conversation w/ a sales manager @ Avondale Toyota where I bought my car about the ADM topic. They personally don't like it either and their store never tacks that kind of fee on. Other stores in the valley will do this and the dealer's claim is that Toyota doesn't like the practice either as it hurts overall sales numbers (or at the very least isn't good for the customer). Meanwhile, selling at a fixed (i.e. no haggle) MSRP (or $500 under once the demand settles), their allocations can be higher if they're moving more inventory. We both agreed that we didn't understand the mentality of marking up if it keeps the car on the lot longer. I will seek out dealers that don't charge ADM or any other premium, and will walk away from any that engage in this practice. I'm just glad I found one in my area.