Given the slowness of cars appearing in Houston area dealer lots, I'm willing to show up at a PriusChat gathering to let people look over my car. I might even allow some short and gentle test drives. I don't want to just do this for 1 person or to have to arrange multiple meetings though. Someone else needs to take the lead on this.
That would be very cool! Any ideas on where the party would be, or how soon. I need to make sure I clear my calendar. On my way. :car::car::car::car::car::car::car::car::car: If I can get on guest list. Pick me! :clap2: Sign me up:whoo:
Let's wait for some more responses, then we can start getting serious about figuring out the details. It would be great if we could get the infamous Dan to show up and give us some hypermiling pointers. I guess someone should PM him. I don't remember his handle though.
I am going to be in the Houston area (Katy) next friday for the weekend if it is going to be that soon I would like to see a 2010. Thanks
My wife and I would love to check it out too!! Let me know the date and time so we can know if we can meet or not.
I'm willing to do it as soon as tomorrow afternoon, or we can put it off till next weekend. I note 1 person said they'd be in Houston next weekend. Would most people rather do it sooner than later? or wait a week? Sounds like dealers may start getting their 1st cars sometime this week or at the latest, the following week. If we wait long enough, someone might be able to show up with a II, III or IV! Fair warning - my insurance doesn't cover drivers under 25. I might be more comfortable just letting folks take short spins around a large empty parking lot somewhere; but I'm certainly open to taking people out on the highway myself.
haha wow, I'm busy tomorrow, next weekend AND I'm under 25 (at least for another two months!). What luck I have . I am free after that though, but go ahead and hold it for others if there's demand!
Either tomorrow or next weekend would be great for my hubby and me. Please count us in. Ggood, how did you manage to get your 2010 early?
As I said before I will be in Houston next weekend and will be in the Katy area, just let me know where you are going to be and I will sure try to find it.
Not sure I believe the age 25 thing, my wife may be confused. Won't really matter if we just stay in a parking lot or quiet back streets. Not sure people really want to wait that long, but we'll see after we wait for a few more responses. Sexy good looks and charm? Actually, I was silly enough to fly up to the Chicago Prius Connection event. I found a Toyota exec there who knew the people handling the priority program and somehow got me on the list. THANKS TOYOTA! Seems like we have at least 2 votes for next weekend, so we'll put it off until at least then. Let's see what other responses we get.
Looks like I will be going on a different day now. Sorry to miss seeing your 2010 V, maybe another time. Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to let others see it. Jim
How about this Saturday Morning June 6th sound like a good day. I am 43 years old, but would rather not drive your car, take a ride sounds like fun! And sit in driver seat. And If Dan comes have pulse glide demo. I have tried on my own but not sure, I have the correct ideas. Should I send contact info in private chat? Is that the best way, I am still a bit new to the site, and don't know all the best practice rules. I wish I would have seen post earlier I would have loved to seen it this last weekend. What part of town?
Saturday AM sounds fine to me. 10:00 A.M.? looks like there won't be all that many people. I'm centrally located, but willing to drive anywhere. One possibility would be the large parking lot in Memorial Park, on the south side of Woodway (where the volleyball courts, soccer fields and mountain bike trails are). That would give us easy access to freeways, side streets and parking/viewing. Cars should start rolling in to dealers any time now, so this will all become moot if we don't meet soon. Of course, GST doesn't seem to be getting a lot of Vs in, do they? Of course, for me, it'd be great if someone also showed up with a IV, but that doesn't look like it will be happening soon either. Somebody needs to find Dan's handle and PM him. Everyone else can either post here or PM me to confirm or suggest alternatives.
Memorial Park sounds good to me, at 10 am Saturday. May need some more info on where in the park, or I can call on my way to get more information. I have only gone to that park once or twice.
Good thing I will be in Houston this Saturday (I'm from Clear Lake) to meet my parents later in the afternoon. Anyways, I've never been to the park so just give me an address. The reason why I would like to meet y'all is so I can get as much information (little details such as EV mode, P&R, blah blah) that the salesman may not know what I'm talking about. It happened to me before when my wife and I went to check out the 2009's. The salesman was almost clueless about the Prius. For example, you know the rear bumper protector.... before I knew what that is, I asked the salesman what is that thing on the bumper and he was like....OHH that's the solar panel that absorbs the heat so it can keep the car running. At first I believed him and then later I joined Priuschat....guess what? He totally made it up! sheesh. So I just want to meet someone that knows everything! BTW...I'm 26 years old AND I'm deaf. But don't worry my wife is hearing and she can interpret for me (sign language)
OK - Saturday, June 6, 10:00 AM, North Picnic Lane, Memorial Park. Despite the name, N. Picnic Drive is a park loop on the south side of Woodway, towards the bottom of attached map. If you google it, you'll see what I mean. There's a large parking area stretching along the south of side of this loop. I'll be the only Sandy Beach Prius there! Can any other attendees chime in or send me a PM, just so we know who's coming? And ignore the drop pin on the attached map, I didn't realize it was there. Just look for north picnic lane at the bottom of the map. Map:
Bump. Just a reminder that a few people are getting together here in Houston to look over and drive my 2010 Prius, Model V, with AT package. Looks like it will be a while before Vs are available here. 10:00 AM this Saturday, in the North Picnic Lane parking lot in Memorial Park (south of Woodway).