My friend is very interested in buying a 2010 Prius and I recommended she contact the dealer from whom I bought my 2006. This is part of the email she received (the bold italic emphasis is mine). Has anybody else ran into being required to buy the dealer's maintenance program? I would have thought they're shooting themselves in the foot! :frown: "In addition to the selling price set at the MSRP, there is state tax/tags, and our $100 dealer processing fee. There is no additional freight charge, since this is already part of the MSRP. Also, unlike many dealers, we do not add additional dealer profit markup to the price of the vehicle. However, as a result, we receive order requests from a very wide geographic range. While we do not turn away a customer based on where they live, our primary goal is to serve our local and long-term customers. Therefore, when availability is extremely limited, we may require the inclusion of a DARCARS maintenance program. The DARCARS Lifetime Maintenance Program is a program designed to provide customers with significant savings on the maintenance of their vehicles over the life of the vehicle, and is honored at all DARCARS dealerships. There is a one-time charge of $875 for this program. I am happy to provide you with details about this program if you are not already familiar with it."
Dealers will get away with anything a buyer lets them get away with. At the end of the day all that matters is how much money you have to give them to get the car out the door, no matter what they call it. The cheap and easy way to shop is by phone, fax and email. Call the internet sales person, tell them what you want, get bids from as many dealers as you care to for their "out the door" price *in writing*, and ask your favorite to meet the best price if necessary. The only reason to visit is for a test drive and to take delivery. And when you're finally sitting there waiting for the paperwork and the persistent person comes in to sell you the last-minute dealer add-on junk, just smile and say "no" until they go away.
Maintenance cost on a Prius? If I could use bad language on the forum I'd quote a truck driver when I asked what he had on the truck, "two fifths of .... all!" he said. Prius maintenance cost just a little more than that, but not much. Maybe four fifths!
Well, here on the east coast we have yet to see a 2010 in person and my friend would really like to see one first before ordering! And of course I realize that dealers are going to try and make as much money as they can. I was however disappointed that this particular dealer is trying to pull this one because I was very satisfied with both the price and service when I bought my car (also at a time when it was in high demand). Their statement, "While we do not turn away a customer based on where they live, our primary goal is to serve our local and long-term customers" doesn't make sense to me and I don't see how it serves them well. Wouldn't requiring a lifetime maintenance service fee not only drive away out-of-towners who can't use the service but also local buyers who don't want to pay this exhorbitant fee for service that they don't know they'll be able to use in the future?
BS tactics. Find another dealership. Hell, have your friend call me. The east coasters haven't even seen a car yet, and I already have 3 sold and delivered. I have someone from NY that will be flying in on June 13th for his car. And yes, he is from the boards..
Longtime lurker, short time Newbie, here... Our Chicagoland area purchased 2010 Black III will be delivered here on Monday via truck. We live near Leesburg, VA. My hubby got to see it, feel it and drive it before he bought it. He is tall and found it worlds more comfortable than the 2009. We were hoping it would make it before the weekend, but hopefully his sick Golf TDI will make it until Monday. Can't wait!
Happy for the CATD people that went out of area to get their 2010's Why is it that Central Atlantic is going to be the last to see one. Absolutely driving us sales people nuts because we are way behind the ball.
Take your hard-earned dollars elsewhere. That is nothing but extortion money. I would not buy an oil filter from a dealership engaging in those BS tactics.
I assume that it was your husband that called me on Saturday. Congrats again on the purchase.. sorry I didn't have the right color in stock for you guys. Anyway, enjoy your 10!
For those of us living in the Southeast here is some interesting reading : Feasting off Toyota: part two - Mar. 12, 2008
Well, I sent this fellow an email telling him how disappointed I was in them and that neither of us would be buying from them (I'm also considering upgrading to the 2010) if they insist on charging this fee. Seems to me it makes no (business) sense for them to drive people away like that. Probably the reason they think they might get away with it is because they seemed to have the largest stock of Prii in the area (at least they did when I bought mine three years ago) and will probably be one of the first to get their allocations. They contacted me about the 2010 -- none of the other Toyota dealers have done so. Thanks for the offer, Jabber, but I don't think we'll be going to Chicago any time soon just to be able to see a 2010 Prius live!
Jabber Yep! My hubby called you on Monday, I think it was. I was sorry that he couldn't wait to get the 2010 from you. His current car is just too sick right now to wait any longer. He completed the purchase in person at a dealer north of Chicago. MSRP, no extras except floormats. No dealer markup. Shipping is $680, sales tax to be paid in VA when it gets here. Now he is going to have to take care of his new black car. I wanted him to get a lighter color, but he wanted black. He's only ever had black cars.
The local dealer in Atlanta wanted an extra $2995 "Market Adjustment Fee" for a 2010 fully loaded Prius. I will wait until production increases to meet demand.
Latest update... Here's the sales rep's reply to my friend when she told him she would wait until she finds someone to sell her the car without requiring a maintenance fee: "Thank you for your additional comments. I expect the supply of the 2010 Prius to grow quickly, which means we will likely not have the maintenance program requirement in place for very long. I certainly understand your perspective and I will keep you informed about developments regarding the 2010 Prius!" Looks like his bosses saw the emails ... and the light.
Taking that a step further, if my dealer tried to do that to me in the first place, I doubt that I would step foot in that dealership again. If they are willing to 'blaindly take advantage' of their clients, I would be leery of them. While I understand that a dealer needs to make a fair profit to stay in business. Many are able to do that well below MSRP (on most vehicles, not the 2010 Prius yet) and not gouge the customer.
Hey EGL, I took the liberty of adding the invisible shield on your paint, and added fresh pine scent in the tires. It's a small $17,995 fee. I'll just add it to the paperwork. s017mag, I completely understand. Even though you didn't get it from me, if there is anything that you need, let me know. I appreciate the thought.