It was... a 1227 w/ SR, Z1 in Sandy Beach. We were trying to swap it for the color of our first order back in January but the other dealer wouldn't swap. So this one was sold in 4 hrs after it was released. 20-ish fresh units appear to be on the following vessel though.
hi - new user but figured i'd post on this thread since i have some info that others may find useful (and possibly disappointing). anyway, i'm 5th or so on the waitlist at my local dealership in the DC metro area and I'm on the list for a silver Prius II or III without gps. I asked my dealer for an update and he told me that he is getting in one fully loaded Prius IV or something early June, and that I should expect my car to arrive in mid to late June. So this sort of corresponds to the initial figure of 125 vehicles for 150 dealerships being thrown around. perhaps realistically, for us in the dc metro area, late june is what we can expect if we're early enough on the wait list...
I just confirmed a delivery date with my dealer who says that, based on the info he was given about where the cars are in line for the car carriers that I can expect delivery June 11th to June 16th! :hurt: Apparantly this is something Toyota does, is take this long to get the cars from the Port to the dealers. I believe him, but I think that's an absurdly long time since it's only May 29th today.
Pyxis Leader on the Marine Traffic Website: PYXIS LEADER - 9284738 - Vessel's Details and Current Position
I don't know, my dealer a few days ago (before the KY Highway got to Newark) kept telling me mid June. I just can't accept it takes them that long to get a truck full of cars to go 15 miles from Newark to my dealership... But I guess anything is possible
I had just noticed too that the KY Highway in already leaving Newark, right around the Verrazzano now. Wow, they don't waste time at all! I hope our cars get to us as fast as the offloaded that ship haha
If Deadphish is right (and I'm sure he is) it won't be that long. Hopefully this ship will be an EXPRESS just for us!:clap2:
Okay - who has the 'first watch' :spy: Let's imagine starting a "First Car in the Northeast" thread. We promise to post lots of photos and thoughtful driving reviews - right? <Sniff> We can almost smell the new-car smell. Aaahhhhh...
My dealer has one coming in. It's a Blue 2 or 3, he couldn't remember. He said he should have it next week and it's not spoken for so I can test drive it. He has me as a priority 1 on the next shipment for a Blizzard White V + NAV. Unfortunately he has another sales for the same thing and they will have to wait as he feels certain he won't be able to get two of these at once. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this second shipment. He said he should now next Tuesday about my car. If you are looking for a 2 or 3 in blue, give me a PM and I'll send you his contact info. It's in Central WV.
Umm I don't know if they come from the same ship but I just today bought a II from a dealer in Marietta OH. They said they received 4 cars last night (the 28th) and I bought the last one they had early this morning. Also had a dealer in Louisville, KY email me about 15 minutes ago that their cars were in... I told him great.. but I talked to them Wednesday and they couldn't even tell me when or what they were expecting so I already had one. lol Almost forgot, if anyone goes searching for the Louisville dealer it is OXMOOR.. don't mess with the Jeff Wyler near there at Clarksville.. they tried to charge me over MSRP and added mudflaps and TWO sets of mats so I told them to forget it.
I can't seem to find that ship yet. I think they shut down the GPS units after dark. The Kentucky Highway left the map even in a covered region somewhere around Pennsylvania.
My dealer is saying the same thing only it's a few hundred miles to get to New Hampshire so a couple more days for delivery but 13-18 days seems like a very long time to go from the Port to the dealer.
Those cars did not come from New Jersey. Maybe Texas or possibly Jacksonville Florida but no way New Jersey. I'm also thinking the dealer is yanking my chain. The second ship should be in and deliver cars by June 16th. I'd buy a car from out of State but the various states around here don't acknowledge out of state temp plates. I think my dealer is pulling a fast one. How can they survive taking 3 weeks to go from the port to the dealer?! My wife thinks I should travel to get the car but I have a deposit on this one and we need a car today. sucks! :target: