Ema is at 155,000 mile now and still running like a champ <knock on wood> and I was wondering would there be any benefit in switching to synthetic now? I have used dino oil at every 5,000 mile change up until now and have had no issues at all <knock on wood>, man just typing this post makes me nervous, LOL. Anyway, obviously at 155K the wear and tear to the motor is pretty well done and switching to synthetic now probably won't make a huge difference in that department. Most of my miles are highway miles as one would suspect, hard to get 155K in 3 years otherwise, and I don't intend on "extending" oil changes so synthetic really wouldn't be a benefit there either. Lastly, living in NC and doing most of my driving in the "South" doesn't expose Ema to "cold" temps really so cold start issues aren't really a factor either. As you can see I have thought about it a little but was looking for other opinions from the excellent knowledge base that is PriusChat. Happy driving, Chris
I primarily started using synthetic lubes (Motor oil, gear oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, etc) around 25 years ago, for the cold weather benefit. Living in a climate that can dip to -40 to -42 in winter, that means a lot I really doubt you will "gain" anything in your climate. Some folks claim you will gain fuel economy. In summer, I've never noticed any difference running 5W-30, 0W-30, or 0W-20, in my Prius
I say stick with conventional. if you do want to switch to a syn, maybe try the high mileage varieties.
I was thinking of filling my 5W30 jug with 0W30 Mobil when i go to the dealer for my 3K change. Do you think I should not do that? Stinking hot here in Florida.
It depends on what your priorities are. If you are going to routinely change the oil at 5k miles or less, and you are in FL year round, then the synthetic advantage is minimal to non-existent. If you are going for extended intervals (e.g. 15k miles or more) or need cold weather performance, then synthetic is the right answer.
Thanks guys!!!! I actually have been thinking about this for the last 40K miles or so and decided to stick with conventional then, so really wasn't "strongly" considering a switch to synthetic. I was going to ask a "follow-up" question for anyone else interested in this topic but decided it could have a million different answers so didn't. The question was going to be when is "to late" to consider switching to synthetic? Since it is such a variable question on to what you want to achieve with synthetic, where you live, how you drive, ambient temp, extended changes, etc... I suppose 36,000 miles could be to late for some but others may not switch until 60,000 or 90,000 miles. Every situation and every driver could be a little bit different. Anyway, as always THANKS for all the great feedback. PriusChat rocks!!!! Happy driving, Chris
Well, as far as when its too late, I suppose its too late when the motor is already leaking, has poor compression, all sludged up, etc. In my climate, which can dip to -40 in winter, for the maximum benefit you want to switch to synthetic by the second scheduled oil change I'm a bit anal when it comes to vehicle care. For example, last weekend I changed the power steering fluid in my FJ Cruiser. Not too many folks do that
So the shop that has been changing my oil has been using the Pennzoil synthetic blend 5w-30 even though I ask them to use full synthetic. Forty thousand miles later (with 45 miles on the odometer of my '07) I am reading that the synthetic component of blends breaks down and that they are a waste of money. I also read that switching to synthetic might cause oil consumption at high mileage. If you were at my position, would you switch to Pennzoil platinum, stay with the blend or go to a quality regular oil and if so which one? Thanks
Assuming you've been changing it every 5000 miles I'd say absolutely no problems either way. Personally I've got no problems with synthetic blends. Given that the leading oil companies like Shell/Pennzoil Valvoline Castrol etc probably know what they're doing, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to get improvements by blending synthetic components. My Pruis had synth blend for the first 105000 km (65000 miles). The dealer used Castrol FMX (synth blend) for about the first 80,000 km then after that I used Valvoline Durablend (also synth blend) from 80000 to 105000 km. No complaints about either of these oils, the engine is in perfect condition and doesn't consume any noticeable quantity of oil. Just for something different last oil change (at 105000 km) I used full synthetic and now at 110000 km there's been no drama and it hasn't leaked or consumed a drop. I plan to keep this oil in there until 120000km (or 6 months) for a 15000 km oil change interval.
If you change oil regularly (every 5K miles per Toyota) then I don't think there will be a huge difference between regular and synthetic oil. So I would just use regular oil if I were you. But watch out don't use the dealer "bulk oil" that may have been sitting in the barrel for a long time collecting contaminants. Good luck!
I think full synthetics are a better choice. BUT...since you have changed your oil and been attentive to this reality and have gone 155,000 miles I don't think I would change at this point. I think the benefit of synthetics can be if you push the vehicle or miss oil change intervals...this isn't your case. I also think synthetics offer benefits on cold start up or in harsh more extreme enviroments. Plus even though manufacturers of synthetics venemously deny it, at this point your engine, seals and gaskets are used to regular dino oil. Why change to a substance that is alien to your engine? No if you are at 155,000 miles....I'd just keep doing what you are doing.
Do what ever you like, either way no problems honestly. If, as I assume from what info you've given us, that you've been using Pennzoil Gold semi synthetic every 5000 miles for 45000 then your engine should be nice and clean and in great condition. You could stay with what you've been doing or you could switch to full synthetic (Pennz Platinum for example). You wont have any problems switching to full synth if that's what you want.
Well, as I said, I believe synthetics to be a superior product. There can be great debate. I think synthetics can be more durable, help with cold start ups, and I've noticed that more and more automobiles are coming with synthetic oil from the factory. Most high end sports cars recommend it. I personally with my new Honda Fit plan to switch and run synthetic. I'd say at 45,000 it's kind of up to you. I'd also agree that it ultimately probably doesn't matter too much. The important thing is to be attentive to scheduled Oil changes and change with an Oil that meets the requirements of the Manufacturer. I think if you are doing that with either Dino or Synthetic the degree of long term benefit would be negliable. I know this sounds like sitting on the fence. Which it is. Ultimately? I like synthetic, but also believe if you are attentive to maintenance issues as a whole, including oil changes...it probably doesn't translate into too much of an advantage. PS. Plus same recommendation as to the OP. If you haven't had a problem? Why go looking for one? Synthetic, Synthetic Blend, or Full Dino...as long as they meet manufacturers requirements and are good quality? I think you are probably okay. I'm generally against switching back and forth. I think pick a product, routine, and stick with it...
Hello everyone, Looks like someone revised this old post of mine so I thought I would update it from my end. Ema is now at 228,000 miles and I am still doing oil changes every 5,000 miles with regular dino oil and am not seeing any leaking, burn off or loss of any kind <knock on wood>. I am of the opinion posted here that once you have something in and and you pay attention to regular changes stick with it, whether that is dino, full syn or a blend. To many stories out there about people switching and causing issues and although they may be just that, stories, why take the chance? Anyway, that is it from my end. Happy driving everyone. Chris