caution press park to engage park battery will not charge if transaxle is in neutral This comes on the screen, while driving, if the driver door is ajar. Local Toyota says normal, just telling me my door is ajar. I would rather not say what I think.
Yes, a Prius will reliably produce that scary warning message while in Drive, with the driver door ajar. As a test - safety first! - while in your driveway, seatbelt on, put it in Drive, then open the driver door. You will get the scary message. I've done that party trick to freak out passengers
Certainly not one of the better-thought-out warning messages. But yeah, it pops up when the door is open. Go figure.
You should have seen the early BMW-7 (around 2004-5) that was running Window-CE. The screen actually displayed "the system is rebooting, please wait..." while the vehicle was cruising on highways. Scary? You bet.
Here is the picture from an earlier thread:
I currently get the same warning message. I get it when my door is closed though. I was rear ended recently at a low speed. I don't see much damage to the back of my car, but could it be a sensor from the trunk? If not, what else causes this message to come on?