can anyone tell me who might have the best intrest rate for my new prius?? the best rate i have sceen is 3.99 are there any better deals for 36 months
3.99% is pretty good. i applied for financing and was offered 5.05% which independent bank financing which was supposed to be their best auto rate. i did apply for Toyota zero interest financing, but they turned me down
Penfed credit union has 3.99% for up to 60 months. They send you a blank check you make it out to the dealer and your done.
my prius should be at my dealership next week, Im hoping that toyota might offer 1.99 or 2.99 after june 1
No, you can see exactly what your payment will cost by calculating in the total cost you need to finance. They have no hidden fees. I do believe that you need good credit.
im hoping that in our regon that toyota might offer low intrest rate after june 1:rockon: any insight
If you want to join my credit union you can get 3.75% for 36 months. You just need to open a checking account with them and one of the below: 1) Keep a balance of at least $1,000 in it 2) Set up a direct deposit to get in once at least every 90 days 3) Do some sort of online bill pay (not sure of the details) They also provide an auto draft check to make out to the dealer.
well i ended up with ZERO financing, but i actually said i "applied" for zero % and was "turned down". so i cashed it out instead
i posted a similar topic and knew of the penfed rate. the CU that one poster had too many strings (unless you were alreay a member). i'd rather pay the 1/4 point more. i know rates are going up, wonder how long pen fed will offer that 3.99. if you financed thru toyota or tried to could you post what rate and terms they offered? please post here if you see something better than 3.99. id be looking for 36 month financing too.
I just spoke with a service rep at PenFed. She said that they'll know tomorrow if the rate is going to change and that I can call back tomorrow. Her opinion and hope was that it would remain the same. I hope that's the case as I have a pre-approved loan and my car is expected to be available next Wednesday or Thursday.