I've been itching to get a ScanGauge but it's already pretty spendy. Are there good places (don't have to be Prius message boards) to monitor for group buys or lower prices (less than $159)? Maybe we can do another group buy here at PC? I just setup an Amazon alert at camelcamelcamel.com, thanks to another poster here, I'd not heard of site before.
The web site cleanmpg.com (free membership required) runs group buys all the time, they just collect interested people's names until they have a large enough group. It only brings it down to $149, though there are a few extras they throw in with it.
You can participate in the PriusChat Group Buy - PriusChat Shop : ScanGauge II Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers [ScanGaugeII] - $159.95 use coupon code PCSG2 to drop the price to $149.99. You won't find a cheaper price than that due to ScanGauge's price requirements. Order before 3 ET and it'll ship out today via USPS Priority Mail.
Thanks guys! It actually looks like cleanmpg did a $139.95 deal before once. I'm not sure if they do that very often. Any idea? I'm not in a huge rush but if it's only once in a blue moon, $149.95 is ok.
It shows up on Amazon.com for 139.95 as a Gold Box Lighting deal now and then. You can also see it as a Quick Pick if you have it listed in one of your Wish lists. Add to your wish list and check the Lightning Deal on the Gold Box page - Todays Deals on the top menu. Quick Picks are usually around 149 (10 off) and Gold Box Lighting deal was 139. We got our 2nd one that way. Free S&H too. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000AAMY86
Looks like there's a good shot that Amazon's 10 am PDT Gold Box Lighting deal for today is going to be the ScanGauge II
Its Available now in the Gold Box for 139.95: ScanGauge II 3-in-1 Compact Multifunction Vehicle... List Price: $169.95 Amazon's Price: $159.95 (6% off) Gold Box Discount: - $20.00 Gold Box Price: $139.95 (17% off)
It looks like the Amazon Lightning Deal for 6 AM PDT today might be a Scangauge II. Hope it is and that the price is good.
The driver side end of the dash, where you would pinch your knee if you were really tall and shut the door. I assume you mean gen 2