GS450h Charging Hi there, Been lurking around here for a while and you guys seem so knowledgeable. Especially jelloslug and his rebuild, I got hooked on all 20+ pages in that tread. Truly spectacular. There aren't many 450h owners on forums to give input so I am relying on you to help me out : Unlike some other members trying to charge from an outlet to improve gas mileage, I am looking for a way to charge the battery from the ICE to improve performance. As many of you know, these cars are much more powerful when their batteries are full. I have seen my 450h power itself at around 50 mph electric only on level ground with a 8/8 bar battery pack. So, some of us over on clublexus have been debating the best way to achieve the fastest 1/4 mile and one topic that came up was having a full battery. However the only way I've been able to get a full battery is a long hill descent. So, is there any way to force the ICE to charge the battery? Revving? Inspection Mode? Anything? Thanks for all your help Lucas
Thank you so much! That is exactly what I was looking for but I was using the wrong search terms I guess. Thank you for all your help! I hope to be back soon when I pick up a Pack V with ATP!