That would make it a Yankee ship instead of a "Rebel" ship. It was a joke referring to what port it would stop off at first. The Ship going to Newark will have cars for the Boston area on it. If your regional reps say different they need to look up the facts in their computers. My ordered car is on that ship, I have a printout from the dealership with their allocation. The only thing is, where is the ship? None of the tracking software can find it at the moment.
Anytime! When I am at the dealer again I will ask if they know of any other ships coming in. If they do I will post the names and see if I can locate them with the tracking software. I don't expect to see the Kentucky Highway show up on anything until tomorrow night. The way the coverage areas work it has to get pretty close to land and to a port with major coverage. So basically it's going to have to get closer to New York or maybe Pennsylvania before we can see it. Hopefully we will get it before June 10th. If you are up near us around that time, my wife and I would be happy to let you try it out. Steve
Ok here is an update. The Kentucky Highway has just shown up on AIS. It's traveling at 17.1 knots and it's about 260 miles to get to Newark NJ. So that's good news! I imagine getting down the channel will take a while as it's jammed up with other ships. But it does look like it's going to dock soon. Possibly today!
How about that! Its supposed to arrive at port later today! Everybody was saying it was going to be late when in fact it will probably arrive a day early!
Within the next couple of hours, the Kentucky Highway should be passing directly east of me! Maybe if I drive to the Jersey shore and bring some really good binocs , I just my see the ship pass by.
You just might Looking at that live time tracking map, my gosh there are a lot of ships in that area! As of 8:21am 05/28/09 Kentucky Highway has 160 miles until it reaches the port in Newark NJ. So it looks like they will make port late afternoon or early this evening. :rockon:
Wow, what awesome news! I was so down thinking it was delayed. Hopefully next week many if not all of us can see our cars.
Yes, unless it gets delayed getting into Port due to other ship traffic, it should be there today! :cheer2: That means within 10 days of reaching Port the cars should be rolling into dealers showrooms! I can't wait!
I'm fairly close to Newark in NY, maybe 15-20 miles so I'm hoping on next week! Let's get us East cost Prius people posting pics in the owners thread!
Ok great news! The Kentucky Highway will be docking at the Port in Newark NJ in about 1.5 hours. At 4:23pm, it's entering the Mouth of the Harbor. It's got about 10 miles to go and it'll be going about 8-10 miles an hour. The harbor pilot got on board about 35 mins ago so they are all set. So a day early! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Now hopefully I can get my car before the end of next week!
Thanks Jeff, I'll be sure to let me dad and 2 friends know who have orders in and are waiting on that ship! lol