I want to purchase a 2010 prius III with a navigation system. In AZ you have to also get the moonroof and solar ventillation system as part of the option package. I am not sure how effective the ventillation system will be in the hot AZ summer ( 100-110 degree avg) and I'm getting mixed comments from sales people. I would guess some engineers tried the system at various temps but I can't seem to find any specific information. If its 100 degrees outside, will the system really keep the inside of the car about ambient temp ( 100-110 ) ? How long will it run ( if I go shopping for 2 hours, will it still be ventilating?) What can I realistically expect ? Anyone actually use it yet in hot weather.
i am told roughly ambient i assume that the vent will run as long as there is sun, as there is no battery associated with the roof and the roof is not connected to the traction or 12v batteries i think the solar is mated to the nav every where, not just az (meaning you van get nav or solar/nav but not just solar) you have to turn the vent system on (there is a switch, so you can disable the system if you want to - like if you were on vac for 2 weeks and you didn't need it to keep the car ambient for 2 weeks if nobody was going to use it)
Hey neighbor, I'll have my Prius IV w/ Solar hopefully next week and will be able to comment. With solar being near ambient and remote A/C to take the initial edge off, I'm hopeful that the combination will be useful. I went with Blizzard Pearl and the lighter gray leather to help offset. Also strongly considering window tint to help the solar out. BTW which dealer are you talking to? Avondale Toyota is treating me very well.
keep in mind that with the solar panel, you get remote A/C.. the remote a/c runs off your traction battery for a few mins. it can be activated from the fob before entering the car.
I don't know about AZ, but here in sunny San Diego, my interior can reach 150 degrees, even when it's a comfortable 80 degrees outside. My Prius has the dark grey interior. I've done experiments (you can too, with any car) where I parked the car in the sun and measured the increase in temperature over time. I then repeated the measurement over the same length of time but with the interior blower running in a medium speed (drawing in fresh air). I noticed a significant difference. You can run the blower in any car safely for 10-15 minutes on a medium speed without the engine on, and without drawing too much out of the battery. You can try this in any car, just be sure to make it a fair comparison by starting under the exact same conditions. I started my experiments by taking the car out of a shaded garage at a known temperature, and made sure my car was pointing the same direction at the same time of day with the same clear sky.
I plan to get a thermometer and test with solar enabled and disabled, as well as with using remote A/C and without. Ambient will be noted via screen after 5 minutes driving.
Mine will be here soon and I will report on the effectiveness as well. My question is, will the solar power venting work in any shade? I always seek out a shady place to park if I can. Will I need full sun, or will there be some power generated with ambient light to run the vent fan? Lee
Shade is a luxury often not found in AZ. What trees you do find are often Palo Verde or Mesquite with small leaves that give more of a screen-door type shade rather than full canopy. If you do find it, you're also at the mercy of any birds who perch above. Where I work, there are no such trees (or covered parking). Some others may be a bit luckier.
The only time I ever drove to Phoenix, the Air Conditioner Freon bottle under the hood of my car exploded!!!! It was a really hot drive back to L.A.!! Damn Datsuns!!
Anyone used one of those solar window vent fans before? I have a 1' solar battery charger and I just saw a 15watt/1amp 1.5' panel at Checker Auto for $90. I was thinking of the possiblility of using it for more battery range putting it on the back sun area or dash to run the A/C or even back plug the power while driving? Anyone tried solar panels to boost range or accessory power especially on hills?
Been hashed in other threads. I've found that the solar tinting in the Prius glass cuts too much of the energy absorbed by the panels to make them effective. For example, we had one of those "As Seen On TV" window vents. Worked great in open air, but as soon as it was placed behind the glass of our 2002 Prius, the fan all but stopped rotating.
I would love to test the solar panel on a Prius. A great way to do this would be to have two cars parked side by side, one with and one without the solar powered fan. Then, use a datalogging thermometer (heat stress meter) to monitor temperature inside the car. It would be best to use two meters, one in each vehicle. I have one at work, and can likely borrow another. I doubt my wife will buy a 2010 top of the line Prius just so I can do such a study. So, if some one wants to try an experiment in So Cal (Oxnard area), let me know.
Spinnr, Surprise, Surprise........ I talked with Avondale and they actually suggested a second option of dealer trade with CA to get the navigation system without the solar ventilation package. Not sure what that would cost yet. Still trying to figure out if I want the ventilation system or not. Avondale also was quoting a $300 doc fee which seems like a straight add-on --- did they give you straight msrp ?
I'm a priority buyer, so my pricing is pre-negotiated w/ Toyota and I cannot disclose it. I've been told that for others for now, they're dealing straight MSRP w/o forced options (unless they come from port). The doc fee is forced and fixed, but they claim it's lowest in the valley. They also have the lowest sales tax rate in the valley. Where others were marking up the Gen II, they were consistently selling $500 under MSRP. Usually an allocation trade is a better way to go if you can wait as the dealer trade may be $$.
Your desire for the Navigation system without Solar seems a little strange to me. You may want to read up on the 2010 Prius Navigation system before getting all excited about it. Some "not so good" reviews by those taking the early plunge. On the other hand, I cannot imagine going without the solar cooling option in a really hot & sunny climate like Arizona. Unless you park your car inside a garage during the day, I think that the comfort provided by the solar cooling option is well worth the expense.
Cost may be a factor. If so, one may want to examine if solar+nav on a Prius III is of more value than leather, 3 door SKS, homelink (can be done after), etc. of the Prius IV w/ NAV only.
well beauty is in the eye of beholder... personally, i have 2 different garmins and 1 chinese nav and they are all laughable compared to latest gen toyota nav. This is for Europe though, even if only difference is maps. You also get few other things as well. I mean in general, both nav and solar moonroof are luxury options so you dont really need them anyway.
Thanks to Toyota customer experience, I received some factual information regarding the solar ventilation system. Although it wasn't specific regarding the car temp inside the car when outside temp is 100 degrees, the info clarified many of my questions. I'm passing on response for those interested ( cut and pasted Toyota response below with my thanks to Toyota for responding with some technical specifics ) "The interior fan for the solar panel is not activated by cabin temperature. Activation is determined by both “outside temperature†and “amount of insolationâ€. When the outside temperature is at or above 68 degrees Fahrenheit and the amount of insolation is at or above 500W/m2 (it is about 1,000W/m2 under the sun in mid-summer). By turning ON the ventilation switch, the solar system will start and continue to operate under the above two conditions or until either the ignition is turned ON or the ventilation switch is turned OFF. At 77 degrees Fahrenheit and sun ray at 1,000 w/m2, the solar panels will produce approximately 59 watts. The power generated by the solar panels powers a fan to ventilate the parked Prius on hot and sunny days; it runs as long as there is enough sunlight to power the solar panels. Three minutes is correct for the remote air conditioner, and Prius keeps the hybrid battery properly charged as you drive; unless the vehicle is not driven for about two weeks, the battery would be normally at a level of charge sufficient to run the remote air conditioner."