Hey everyone. I'm driving down south on Friday (from CT to FL) and although I've done the drive many many times I'm trying to plan accordingly this time around so I have some entertainment - Sirius gets boring and I get antsy after about 5 hours in our "ultra comfortable" Prius seats. Anyways, I have a super old school GE CB-Radio with a magnetic mount antenna. I've used it in my old Jeep when I wasn't concerned about scratches on the roof. So the CB radio will be a nice thing to setup to listen in onto Ch. 19 for upcoming accidents, traffic, hazards, and the occasional speed trap on those long "glides". My problem/question... 1. The antenna pictured above is a super strong magnet, but the bottom is essentially bear metal, if im driving fast it might slide and scratch the roof - you all think I can "mod" this somehow with some kind of rubber/cloth piece under there to avoid this? Placement options appreciated as well. 2. im assuming fuel efficiency won't be affected too much by this 3-4' antenna? Thanks all in advance!
Clean the spot where its gonna go, put some aluminum foil under the magnet and gently put it on the roof, and remember the cord blowing in the wind might cause some minor rubbing of the paint too. Don't ever slide the magmount when applying/removing. Bring the cable in half way down the hatchback weatherstripping. Shouldn't affect mpg too much. I get 56 mpg but my ham radio antenna is a lip-mount on the lower side of the hatchback lid.
Thread resurrection on this. I wanted to install a cb radio with a magnamount too. My question is, is the cb radio will interrupt with electrical operation of the car that might stop it. The new cb radio are am, fm and single side band. My other question is do you use a bigger battery for the cb? Thanks, CCG