Column 1 Column 2 0 23 019 MSRP 1 320 mudguards and all-weather mats 2 395 port installed Paint Film (3P) 3 549 port installed Remote Start (V4) 4 24 283 Total Sales Price 5 1 699.81 Sales Tax 6 85.00 license fee 7 299.00 Dealer Fee 8 26 366.81 Total out the door. It's a II with port installed bumper applique and floor mats. The dealer kind of ticked me off because they add their 'own' all weather mats and won't take them or the carpeted ones off. He further said that any future 10's they get they would be charging over MSRP and made it look like he was doing me a favor to pay full price and I shouldn't complain about 2 sets of mats.. I'm almost PO'd enough to tell him to shove it just for the attitude.
On a Prius II? I'm not sure that is such a great deal. I think there is some incentives from Toyota on those and the dealer should be close to invoice I would think since the PIIIs are coming. I have been trying to sell my year old 08 package 5 with navigation for $21K and had very few lookers. I bet if you look you could find an used one with a ton more options and alot less money. G EDIT: you must have meant Package II Not Prius II. Seems alright but not great
I assume the OP means a 2010 II, not a Gen 2. I wouldn't take it with all those adders I would not want, but that makes no difference, it's an individual decision. If you pass, someone else will surely go for it. Whether we like it or not, dealers are going to get what the market will bear when they have a model in demand - like any business. When they have a model that won't move and have to discount it heavily and accept very thin margins, we don't feel sorry for them. Dealers have to make a living just like everyone else --- so turnabouts fair play...
Have you contacted other dealerships in the area to see if they are tacking on all those add-ons? Besides the floor mats, do you want the other options. Is the Dealer fee competitive to what other dealer's are charging? In the Phoenix valley, the lowest I've been able to find is $349. And they won't negotiate on that item. Also, is a road trip to IL feasible? If so, there's at least one very friendly and frequent contributor to this forum whom it may be in your mutual interest to contact. In summary, if that car were being offered to me here, I would NOT accept it as I'm trying to keep within a budget and those add-ons are not of interest to me. Lastly, if you're getting a bad attitude from the salesperson, why reward him with your business? I'm sure there are others who want to earn your business and are more deserving of it. Hang in there, I know it's frustrating. Keep scanning this forum, you will find the right car and dealership for you.
I think the deal sucks. What really annoys me the most is the $299 dealer fee. What the heck is that? Pure additional profit for the dealer on top of the profit they made from charging FULL MSRP for all the add-ons and the car itself. I'd pass. Wait till these schmucks realize that in six months or less these vehicles will be piling up on dealers lots. Can't wait!!!
Thanks guys, you make me feel better about my gut reaction to the offer. It's easy to get carried away making a big purchase. I feel that way and I wasn't even consider a 2010 Prius until a few weeks ago when I realized they'd be out by the time I got around to looking for a new car. Back to window browsing for me.
MSRP for a package II should be 22k, not $23,019. Then the other question would be if you want those options like the paint film and remote start. Even in California we can find dealers that are selling at true MSRP. Go somewhere else!
no MSRP is "right"... there is no delivery fee on the breakdown so that would account for the difference
Hi Mark, I've said it many times before on this forum, and I'll say it again --- You never get the deal you deserve, you get the deal you negotiate. If you are looking to get a good deal where you can negotiate price & features; wait a couple of months until the initial feeding frenzy is over. In business dealings, sometimes it is best to be patient. Keith
I need your help, guys. What do you think about a package 2, 2009 Prius, asking price is $23,700 which includes destination charge. I would be choosing the 0% APR rather than the $1000 rebate. Is this a good deal or not? Thanks for your help.
For package II + destination + bumper applique and floor mats, that is the correct MSRP. It is the additional options (including additional mats) and dealer fee that would be the deal breaker.
You never get the deal you deserve, you get the deal you negotiate. If you are looking to get a good deal where you can negotiate price & features; wait a couple of months until the initial feeding frenzy is over. In business dealings, sometimes it is best to be patient. Keith [/QUOTE] AGREED!
The price sucks! They practically can't give away a 2009,with the 10 which has 90% new upgrade parts. No belts or drive chain to ever wear out, :rockon:a ton better seats, suspension, ride, quiet and much, much, more. There are dealers out in the West selling way below MSRP where trucks are king and cars are the lost dog in the pack. I am buying a 2010 II at $750 above Dealers Invoice not MSRP.