If I know my VIN number is there any way to track where my car is during the shipping/delivery phase?
Curious about how you got your rigs VIN number? Did the dealer write up the final purchase contract and have you signed it?
Dealer had his sheet showing all the cars coming to him, and I picked one from the sheet. Yes we did a contract.
Just have your dealer printout the name of the ship your car is on. Although from what my dealer has said, they only get the Vin# when the car is at the port. So if you have a Vin# your car is at a port in the US somewhere. If it's on the ship you can track the car in several ways via the ship trakers that are out there. There are enough threads in here on that already.
I have my VIN and I'm pretty sure (but not positive) that it is still on a ship (Indiana Highway). Are you sure that it must be on shore to get a VIN?
I had my VIN while the ship was still at sea. So the dealers paperwork must be based on what was loaded onto the ships, not what came off. I know that my car was originally going to a dealer in FL but my dealer traded for it.
That would be a feat for any saleperson (speaking as a former Realtor and someone who has been involved in sales for a good portion of my professional life).
My dealer told me that they will get a Vin# once the car gets into port. Maybe your dealer already has the Vin#'s? Mine doesn't. I'm sure one of the dealers in here can clear up how the Vin#'s are given out to individual dealers.