Here's what my dealer's offer is for a 2010 II package. I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on it before I make a decision. Also he said after a deposit he would "order" the car. So does that mean the car would be on a slow boat from Japan or would he try finding it from other dealers in the region? Would there be any room to negotiate here and if so, where? Again, many thanks for your help! Base Price: $22,000 Mats: $200.00 Shield Package: $349 Delivery/Proc/Hand: $805 = $23,349 Deater's Total: $23,354 (Don't know where the other $6 came from, but whatever)
Basically it is MSRP including port-provided accessories. Seems like a good offer to me. Most people are getting MSRP plus accessories now, I think. Rich N.
That is the same offer I received and and will accept, so I think you are safe. I don't think we can really expect under MSRP, and quite frankly, I am just happy they are over-pricing the vehicles right now!
Claridiva, When you say "over-pricing" what do you mean? This is new to me so I'm afraid I don't know all the language that goes along with buying a new car! Thanks!
I just mean they aren't asking over MSRP, which for a Prius II is $22,750. That is what you were quoted plus the addition of the carpet mats and the other package with the sound shield, etc. that you were quoted. I am being quoted the very same offer here in the DFW area. Best of luck to you!
I am assuming that you meant that you are happy they are NOT overpricing? Is that what the other poster (Chilibean) are asking you to clarify? That said, I am paying under MSRP for my Prius V with Navi!
Ah! Yes, that should have read NOT overpricing! Thanks for catching that! Congrats on your new Prius V with Navi!
Not too bad. I took the MSRP offer straight up. They threw in the carpet mats AND the rubber mats. Only added the applique and Delivery plus TTD (and of course the Nav-- the non-option option on the IV). Total for Package IV in Idaho was $30661.
Yes, thanks. I was confused by the "overpricing" comment. I was originally going to try to use my SAM's club discount but I'm not sure that would save me any money. I was told by this dealer that they would honor it for 7% over invoice.
I would be VERY careful with a dealer offering you a great deal at 7% above invoice. Using only the invoice numbers listed on, and not figuring the destination charge, or anything else, you may not be getting a deal at all at that price. Example: 2010 Prius II Invoice is $20,900, list is $22,000 Invoice plus 7% is $22,363 (or a markup of $363 above MSRP!) The Prius V, invoiced at 25,384, while list is $27,270. If you took a deal at 7% above invoice on that one, you would pay $27,161), and save only $110.00 on the deal. I would simply ask for a certain dollar off MSRP, or for some free accessories that you may have bought anyways. I know that some dealers are very willing to give you $250 or $500 off list.
Eglmainz, You're spot on. When I ran the numbers I found almost the same thing, although I think in some cases where there's a huge difference between invoice and MSRP, the SAM's club deal might be the way to go. But at least in this case it certainly seems not to be. I think I'm going to try to negotiate a bit more on my trade-in, though for all intents and purposes that may be a case of whistling past the graveyard....literally!
The document fee is negotiable and the shield package is a total rip off, courtesy of GST. If course if you want it now, they have the upper hand, but just wait a few months and you'll have the upper hand.
What many would find to be a better deal is to allow them to make a 5% profit, which is often somewhere approximately betweenn Invoice and MSRP. That said, many cars do do not have a 5% markup. For sure, you are not likely to find a dealer this month or next willing to give you that large of a discount, but I imagine that once they are piling up on lots, you will be able to name your price to some extent. As for SAMs or Costco, not all dealers are willing to offer these discounts, and are not obliged to at all. They basically will often agree to work with Sams and Costco customers, figuring that providing a few bucks off is better than not getting the contact from their client base, and selling them something.
DING DING DING! We have a winner. Costco and Sams club do not set the pricing for the dealership. We tell them what we are willing to sell them for and they post up the pricing to their customers. For instance, our Costco pricing on a 2010 Prius is MSRP.
I won, YEAH!!! So, what the prize? A bigger discount from MSRP?? Or will I, like "Jay C", find a surprise in my glove box too? ;-)
Yes, you probably will. haha.. I'll PM you what the surprise was. No big deal. Trust me, it wasn't a bushel of $50's..
OK price. But you wonder about how the 09s will be discounted when the 10s arrive. And if there will be government rebates on the 10s.
There no government rebates on either the 2009 or the 2010. Toyota is offering rebates to move the 2009s. What the government is offering is a federal income tax deduction (which will simply lower your taxable income by the $ amount you pay in 2009 state and local sales taxes on the purchase of a new vehicle. This means that if you live in an area wtb a sales tax exemption, or no sales tax will not get a tax deduction as you would not have paid taxes.
No matter what you pay, someone will get a better deal somewhere. If you are comfortable with that price then do it. The only thing that's seems strange is that the dealer has to order the car which to me means it has to be built and could take months to arrive. If that is the case, then pass on the deal and look elsewhere. You only pay MSRP in the first month or so when new cars trickle in. The discount will come afterwards if cars sit on the lot. Although gas prices will be a hugh factor as well.