It is my understanding that hybrids had (?) free use of the Maryland and Virginia carpool lanes (even with only one person in the car). Can anyone say whether this is true and if it is STILL true? Tom
If I remember correctly, you have to have the special 'Clean Special Fuel' Virginia plate in order to ride free in the HOV lanes. I think the laws changed to some effect this past July 2007. I only used HOV between the suburbs of Virginia and DC, where I commuted to/from 4-5x per week. Not sure about MD. The Virginia plates were originally issued with the 'CF' label on the left side of the plate, to indicate those cars/drivers that were exempt, and after the cutoff date, they started issuing plates with the 'CF' label on the right side of the plate, to indicate cars/drivers that were not exempt. Or something to that effect. Hope that helps. I think you can find all you need to know by reading the Virginia DMV website.
Tom, This is from the VA DMV website: Frequently Asked Questions What is the new hybrid law that takes effect July 1, 2006? Consumers need to be aware of changes to the law before purchasing hybrid and other clean fuel vehicles with the intention of using HOV lanes on Interstates 95 and 395. Vehicles registered for clean fuel license plates on or after July 1, 2006, will not be exempt from the HOV-3 requirement on the I-95/395 HOV lanes from 6 to 9 a.m. or from 3:30 to 6 p.m. However, they will be permitted to use all other HOV lanes in Virginia during HOV hours, including I-66 and the Dulles Toll Road in Northern Virginia. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has created a new clean special fuel license plate for hybrid vehicles registered July 1, 2006, and after. The new plate will have a distinctly different design to help Virginia State Police enforce the HOV restrictions. Applications received by DMV for clean special fuels license plates on or before June 30, 2006, will receive the current clean special fuel plate. Applications received on or after July 1, 2006, will be issued the new plate, regardless of the date the vehicle was purchased or special ordered. Vehicle owners with clean special fuel license plates registered before July 1, 2006, may renew or transfer their plates to a newly purchased qualifying vehicle after the new law takes effect and continue to be exempt from HOV requirements until July 1, 2007. What happens on July 1, 2007, when the hybrid vehicle rule expires? Hybrid vehicles with the required clean fuel license plates will continue to be able to use the I-95/395, I-66 and Dulles Toll Road HOV lanes until June 30, 2008. The General Assembly approved a one-year extension which was signed into law by Gov. Timothy Kaine in April 2007. In order for a hybrid vehicle to use Virginia’s HOV lanes during the morning and afternoon rush hours, the vehicle must have a clean special fuel plate issued by DMV. Not all hybrids qualify for clean fuel license plates but the following do: Toyota Prius Honda Insight Honda Civic 2005 Ford Escape 2006 Ford Escape 2006 Toyota Highlander 2006 Lexus RX400 2006 Mercury Mariner 2006 Honda Accord 2007 Toyota Camry 2007 Lexus GS450h 2007 Ford Escape 2007 Mercury Mariner 2007 Honda Accord 2007 Toyota Highlander Motorists should check the DMV Web site,, for an updated list of eligible hybrids. Can I use Virginia's HOV lanes in my hybrid vehicle even though my car is registered in Maryland? In order for a hybrid vehicle to use Virginia's HOV lanes, you must have Virginia clean special fuel license plates. This is the only way we have to monitor the use of these lanes when there is only one individual in a car. In order for Virginia to honor Maryland plates, we would need a reciprocal agreement between the two states, and no such agreement exists to our knowledge.
I understand that its difficult for most people (cops included) to tell the diff b/t highlander and highlander hybrid, and escape and escape hybrid, but there is no such thing as a non-hybrid prius, and there is no such thing as a non-hybrid insight, they are all frugal hybrids, so why do these states with carpool lanes require special stickers/plates for the prius or insight?
Also because not all hybrids qualify everywhere. They have to have been bought before a certain date in order qualify on some highways.
Although you can't get on HOV lanes 395/95, it does appear with the Clean Fuel plates you can get onto Dulles Toll Road. Hybrid rules on I-66 and Dulles Toll Road: Hybrids with clean fuel plates are allowed to travel in the HOV lanes on I-66 and the Dulles Toll Road during rush hour with one occupant. The current exemption expires June 30, 2010.