Hello, I originally placed an order at a local dealer in Marietta, GA on December 6, then proceeded to wait ... On March 6 I placed another order at a local dealer (Cobb County Toyota) to make sure I had an order in the system before the price increase. I did not expect to get a car until fall. (My original dealer never actually entered an order, I just got on his list. But I asked dealer #1 to submit an order too.) Today my sales guy from Cobb County Toyota called at 1:00 PM to say it just rolled off the truck: a Silver #7. I preferred one of the Pearl colors but Silver is acceptable. I paid sticker -- without the price increase. I guess the sticker was printed before March 9. Of course, I'll try to get the rebate anyway ... I'm stunned and excited but more surprised than anything else. Wow!
Congratulations! Let's see, I ordered mine about 4 weeks after that. Maybe I'll get mine in 4 weeks...
Oh, just ignore that last post. I read further down about the $300 increase in MSRP, now I know. Sorry EF