From the report: Available at the NHTSA: Column 1 0 Four-door models score 1 Ford Focus 86 2 Toyota Prius Hybrid 103 3 Volkswagen Rabbit 106 4 Honda Civic Hybrid 107 5 Honda Civic 111 6 Volkswagen GTI 112 7 Toyota Corolla 115 8 Nissan Versa hatchback 118 9 Subaru Impreza 4WD 122 10 Kia Spectra 126 11 Hyundai Elantra 127 12 Chevrolet Cobalt 130 13 Suzuki Reno 133 14 Nissan Sentra 135 15 Suzuki Forenza 136 16 Mazda 3 138 17 Nissan Versa 139 18 Honda Civic Si 143 19 Suzuki SX4 151 20 Nissan Sentra SE-R 203 21 Subaru Impreza WRX 4WD 224 22 Mitsubishi Lancer 241 A lower score is better than a more expensive, higher score. Bob Wilson
What does the Score mean? And what's the Max & Min in the score? Higher Score means Less-Expensive-to-Fix or vice versa?